How was religion, culture and architecture in New Spain society?

How was religion and culture in New Spain society?

The time of New Spain was characterized by political, social and religious intolerance. This was due to the activity of the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, which not only persecuted and punished heresies, but also everything that appeared new and different, for example the modern idea of ​​tolerance.

What was the region and culture of the New Spain society like?

The seventeenth century in New Spain was the scene of the most unlikely racial mixtures between whites, indigenous people and blacks, which, beyond skin tone, extended to customs and cultures, giving rise to an authentic baroque mixture that manifested itself in life. in the form of festivals, rites and…

What was religion, culture and architecture like in New Spain’s religion and culture society?

Culturally, there was an influence of the Baroque in painting, sculpture, music and literature. … Religion was also of great importance, there was an expansion of the Catholic religion but in turn combined with elements of existing cultures.

How did the Church of New Spain influence the culture?

He understands that the Church of New Spain played an important role in the educational and cultural spheres, through its intervention, schools, seminaries and universities were created; as well as the creation of hospitals and orphanages.

What was the religion of this culture like?

The Mayan religion had certain features of polytheism, since the supreme god was known as Hunab Ku and his son, Itzaná, had almost all the properties of other gods. Other highly venerated deities were Chaac, the god of rain, and Kukulcán, related to Venus.

How were the social classes in New Spain society?

Whites: peninsular Spaniards or born in America. Indians: original inhabitants of America. Blacks: slaves brought from Africa.

What were some of the contributions of New Spain culture?

New Spain’s culture leaves us much to learn from it, because despite the little technological advance they had, they made great contributions to the world, such as corn. Other great contributions are Baroque authors and artists, the type of art that was developed at that time.

What were the groups of New Spain society?

New Spanish society was divided into social strata or estates whose differences were very notorious; the Laws of the Indies recognized four: Spanish whites, Mexican Indians, African blacks, and castas. The product of the racial mixture of the main groups was called castes.

What is culture and religion?

Culture and religion are not two different spheres of social life, but are part of a general construct that defines the construction of societies, it is for this reason that the study of their interrelationships helps us to understand more precisely the dimensions of culture, while religion is…

What was daily life like in New Spain?

The roads and streets were full of homeless people, especially Indians and caste members. Pulque was the drink par excellence. There were many small and large pulquerías, and there was no shortage of street vendors, who sold pulque even in religious processions.

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