You asked: What is the church in New Spain and its characteristics?

What is the most important thing about the Church of New Spain?

He understands that the Church of New Spain played an important role in the educational and cultural spheres, through its intervention, schools, seminaries and universities were created; as well as the creation of hospitals and orphanages.

How did the Church of New Spain influence the economy?

In short, the Catholic Church had great economic power, its income came from various sources. One of the most important was the tithe. Similarly, the alms given by the faithful represented a significant income of money.

What was the reason why the Church had great importance during the viceroyalty?

The Church had great importance during the Viceroyalty, since the Spanish kings enjoyed a privilege called Royal Patronage, this consisted of a permit granted by the Pope to control all the administrative matters of the Catholic Church in his empire, that is why the kings appointed all the…

What is the cultural legacy of the colonial era?

LEGACY OF THE VICREYNAL PERIOD THAT WE PRESERVE UNTIL OUR DAYS The legacy of the Viceroyalty ranges from the form of government, economy, language and religion. … Its development was fundamentally encouraged by religious activity, which built cathedrals, cloisters and convents.

What was the meaning of New Spain’s identity?

At the beginning of the 17th century, Creole identity is still poorly defined; It is a diffuse feeling centered on the exaltation of the beauty and fertility of the land of New Spain and the skill, ingenuity, courage, fidelity and intelligence of its Creole inhabitants.

What kind of influence did the Catholic Church exert on viceregal society?

The Catholic influence was always present in the history of New Spain, due to an obvious reason: the crown of the country by which they were conquered, that is, the Spanish crown, was constituted by a hegemony (supremacy of power), related to church.

What was the influence of the Church in New Spain?

The Catholic religion was a key element in the expansion of the Spanish Empire and was fundamental in its subsequent development as the Catholic Church was a political ally of the Spanish and the conquerors, who justified their expansive actions at all times in divine law and teaching. of faith …

What services does the Church offer in New Spain?

Their work was oriented, on the one hand, to the destruction of indigenous idols and codices; and on the other, they preserved the indigenous traditions and grammars. He describes the function of the Church in New Spain: secular clergy (clerics) and regular clergy (religious orders of Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and Jesuits).

How did the Church manage to accumulate great fortunes?

Most of the parishioners practiced Christian charity, offered alms and pious donations to temples and convents; On the other hand, the church obtained important resources from the collection of the tithe, a tax that consisted of paying 10% of everything that was produced in New Spain.

What does the Church contribute to people’s lives?

The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the person is the basis of a moral vision for society. This is the foundation of all the principles of our social doctrine. … Catholic doctrine always calls us to do everything possible to avoid a war.

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