How to protect yourself from a person with bad vibes and envy

people with bad energy exist

How many times have you heard that this or that person is jinxed, mufa, jettatore or simply that they have negative energies?

Many people carry within them malice, bad vibrations and, voluntarily or involuntarily, crossing paths with them, talking and, much worse, receiving their unfriendly charges can be very harmful. They are people who are considered unlucky and it is not a good omen to have them on the road.

These people with bad vibrations are generally full of envy, bad intentions, negativity and it shows. And not only that: they transmit it to the rest. People considered jinxed or yeta, in some places, are even socially condemned. And those who are perceptive will realize almost instantly when they are in front of a person that brings bad luck or they are in a place charged with negative energies. Because not only that: there are also places that have a completely inauspicious stigma.

What to do to ward off envy and bad vibes?

Within the tradition of protection rituals, some tricks are often used to avoid bad omens from these people or places. If you are a believer in this type of esoteric issues (for some, this is just energy and has nothing to do with superstition), you can try some of these protection amulets and tricks which are proposed below. Learn all about how to ward off bad vibes with items you can find in your home and some very simple tricks.

red ribbon

This is one of the most recognized amulets against envy and bad vibrations. It is part of the general culture that wearing a red ribbon can trigger these pessimistic and unlucky people. For this reason, you only have to surround your left wrist with a red ribbon and thus you will have its protective effects. It is very important that you use the red ribbon in your left hand because from that hand you receive the energy and from the other you deliver it.

There are different theories about how to place the red ribbon, most say that it must be placed by another person with good energy and that it must be tied in 7 knots. This is, without a doubt, a very popular ritual against envy, simple to perform and that will keep people with bad cheer away.

Garlic clove

If you are looking for how to ward off the envy of the people around you, you should know that garlic is considered within esotericism as a great element to repel bad vibrations. If you have a purse or a place where you can carry a clove of garlic inside a felt bag or some similar material, then do it, since it is a powerful amulet to ward off jinxes and not cause a negative effect on you.

If you don’t like the idea of walk with a clove of garlic or you want to protect a particular space You can also leave the garlic well hidden and covered to prevent it from giving off an odor wherever you want. It is one of the best protection amulets to eliminate bad energies at work or at home. You can also combine garlic with other natural amulets against bad vibes such as myrrh and parsley in a protection ritual.


Rue is the natural protective element par excellence. It is said that carrying a twig in your purse or pocket is enough to counteract the bad energies of these dark people. If you feel that people of these characteristics passed through your home, prepare an infusion with it and spray the environment with a vaporizer. If you are looking for a way to keep bad vibes away from your home, plant two rues on each side of your front door. It is a highly valued plant for these purposes.

You can also prepare a rue potion to spray on your clothes.


An old esoteric trick to protect yourself from people who bring bad luck is to place a drop of thyme essential oil behind each ear or on your wrists. A) Yes, you can chase away negative vibes of the gaffes It camouflages itself like a perfume since it has a soft pleasant aroma and at the same time protects you. Thyme can also be part of some baths to cleanse the body of bad energies together with rue oil, garlic, coconut soap and laurel.

If you are wondering how to ward off bad vibes, you should know that thyme is just one of the many herbs that attract positive energy. Peppermint, bamboo and jasmine are other plants considered magical that will help you eliminate negativity from your environment.


Cleaning your house of negative energies is very simple, you just need sliced ​​onions. If you had a meeting with people with bad energy or in some way they entered your house, you can always count on the power of onions.

You have to carry out a simple ritual with onions that consists of cutting them into slices and placing them in earthenware dishes that you must distribute throughout your home. Let them act with the windows open while you take a walk, then quickly toss them in a bag outside your home. It is one of those simple rituals and amulets against envy that you can apply at any time.

touch your parts

Have you ever wondered how to ward off bad energies? One of the most common customs in certain areasevery time they meet or see someone who is considered unlucky, is touching the left testicle (in the case of men), or the breast on the same side (in the case of females). It is a very popular tradition when someone appoints a “jettatore” or person of bad omens.

This trick should be used sneakily as you don’t want the other person to know that you think it’s bad luck.

Beyond this, it is very important not to fear them, not to think that by the mere fact of having them in front of you, you will already be cursed. Think of all your good energies and follow these simple tricks to be well protected.

How to block bad people

If you are looking for how to protect yourself from the bad vibes and envy of those people full of malice, sometimes you can block their actions through the use of amulets, rituals, spells or simple objects, which will make their resentment behind.

  • Health protection amulet. If you want to protect your body with strong and easy amulets against envy, be sure to try this option, which is specially designed to take care of your body.
  • Tree of Life. Another great amulet against envy and to keep people with a bad feeling away is the tree of life. You must know him better and you will adopt him.
  • Prayers for witchcraft. If you feel that there is someone sending bad omens towards you, it is time to ward off bad vibes with some prayers that will keep these problems far away.

How to protect yourself from witchcraft

Unfortunately in the world there are many evil and envious people who want what belongs to others or want others to do badly and resort to black magic spells and witchcraft. Some of them are very powerful and can cause a lot of evil in your life, so if there is something you should know, it is how to protect yourself from witchcraft. Don’t worry, there are several tricks you can use and also a very effective prayer against envy.

  • Amulet with herbs. Almost all amulets and spells are made with natural ingredients because they have a lot of power and energy. There are many talismans or amulets that you can prepare with the plants in your garden that will help protect you from witchcraft. Basil, rosemary, garlic, flax and dill are just some of the ingredients that you can use if you are looking to ward off bad energy from your body.
  • Amulet according to your sign. The zodiac rules the entire universe and of course it has a lot of influence on people and their relationships. If you feel that something is wrong with your energy or you can’t get something to work out even if you try, give the amulet that the zodiac entrusted to you a chance.
  • Prayer against envy. If you notice that things are not going well for you, you have fatigue, you are irritable and you have trouble sleeping, it is possible that you are being a victim of negative energies. In addition to using the aforementioned tricks and amulets, you can also accompany them with prayers against all evil and thus you will know how to ward off bad vibes once and for all.

Do you believe in people with negative vibes?

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