How to eliminate the symptoms of a witchcraft work

Have you noticed that the things you undertake do not turn out the way you wanted? Do you feel that you are going through a stage of bad luck and that the universe is playing against you?

They have probably performed a witchcraft work on you that is generating a blockage in the flow of the energy of the universe towards you.

You should not worry as there is a solution. With this technique that I am going to teach you, you will be able to destroy witchcraft works that you are suffering.

Does witchcraft exist?

Although it has always been a controversial issue in today’s societies, witchcraft has been practiced for millennia, by almost all existing civilizations and cultures. When we talk about witchcraft, we refer to the set of practices that combine various divine energies and elements of nature in spells and spells to achieve a specific goal such as energy protection or good luck.

witchcraft symptoms

Not all witchcraft or symptoms are the same. Below you will learn about various types of witchcraft and their respective symptoms so that you learn to elucidate if you have been the object of witchcraft.

white witchcraft

The main and most important difference between white and black witchcraft is the means by which the result is sought. In white magic, energies of nature or religious saints are usually invoked. In black magic, the undead and dark entities are usually invoked.

That is why the symptoms of a specific witchcraft is similar in both white and black magic.

  • Witchcraft in marriage: When witchcraft has been performed to break up a marriage, the symptoms may include the inability to hold a conversation without fighting, constant irritation when in front of the couple, or financial problems.
  • witchcraft in a house: When negative energies enter the home, they can stagnate and generate future problems. Some symptoms that you should do an energy cleaning at home are: unexplained cold inside the home, not being able to finish anything that is started inside the house, illnesses that last a long time, difficulty sleeping in the house or nightmares related to home

black witchcraft

Another point that differentiates white witchcraft from black is the objective. In general, for simple objectives or those that do not intend to exercise evil, white magic is used. When there is a determined intent to harm, people often use black magic.

However, there are many goals that can be achieved with white magic, only in people’s common sense, black magic is believed to be more powerful, which is not real.

  • Witchcraft out of envy: In the case of envy or the evil eye, the most common symptoms are usually: lack of energy, insomnia, nightmares, continuous bad luck.
  • love witchcraft: If you think that you have been subjected to witchcraft that is preventing you from enjoying a love relationship, you may be right since there are spells to separate people. Some symptoms of witchcraft in love are: constant negative thoughts towards the person you love, permanent feeling that something may go wrong in your relationship, uncertainty about the future with your relationship, constant high level of anxiety.
  • Witchcraft in the body: Whenever we advise the use of magic, we do so by making it clear that white magic is not to do any harm. However, dark energies exist and the people who make use of them also, so it would not be strange to suffer some witchcraft that affects you physically. Some symptoms that you are haunted can be: continuous headaches, irritability, sudden mood swings.

How to break a witchcraft job

If you want to know how to cure witchcraft, follow these steps and in three days, you will be able to eliminate any type of negative influence on yourself:


  • A red ribbon
  • Coarse salt
  • a glass plate
  • Vinegar


  • Tie a red ribbon around your left wrist for a whole night.

    Before going to sleep pray the following prayer: “Protect me, universe, from the evil feelings that circulate in the world, do not let my being be touched by any negative feeling. Take care of me as I take care of my most beloved environment.

  • Do the same thing the next night, with the difference of putting the red ribbon on your right wrist this time. Repeat the sentence.
  • The third night you must place under your bed the glass plate with a small mound of coarse salt sprinkled with seven drops of vinegar, and on that mound the red ribbon that you have used on each of your wrists the two previous nights and return to repeat the prayer to the Protector Universe.
  • Now you have the third day of the day to finish the restoration work of normal status and end the witchcraft that has been done to you. Once you get out of bed, you must remove from under your bed the plate with the salt, the vinegar, the red tape and all the bad energy that has been stuck to the tape.
  • Put everything in a bag and go to a river, sea or fast-flowing tributary where you can carry out the last part of this energy restoration work.
  • Put your feet in the water and little by little pour the salt with the vinegar and the red ribbon into the stream of purifying water. As you watch him walk away, say your prayer one last time.
  • Wash the plate with plenty of water and carefully dry your feet so that the remains of negative energy that may remain do not return with you to your home.
  • Place salt and vinegar in a plate under the bed, as a protection measure, once you have cast the spell.

Rituals of protection against witchcraft

It’s always good to have two or three protection spells on hand as you don’t always have the necessary materials to put them into practice. Here I recommend three witchcraft spells to ward off enemies and any kind of negativity from your life:

  • Cinnamon Protection Ritual: protect your energy, your home and those who live there with this powerful spell that uses one of the most precious ingredients in white magic, cinnamon. Forget bad energy and harmonize your home.
  • Protection ritual with garlic: It is one of the most powerful protection spells. Learn how to use an easily available ingredient in a powerful protective spell.
  • Crystal Protection Spell: Not only can you perform this spell to protect your energy, but you can also use the different crystals to energetically balance your home, absorbing negative energy.
  • How to remove witchcraft at home: Know 3 effective spells to remove bad energies from your home and restore the energy balance necessary to live in harmony.
  • Bathrooms to remove witchcraft: Get to know four powerful baths to cleanse bad energies and break any type of curse or envy that is interfering with the harmony and balance of your life.
  • Clean to remove witchcraft: Get to know a series of white magic rituals and spells that will help you cleanse your aura, eliminate negative energy from your home and create a powerful protective fence around you.

Have you suffered any work of witchcraft?

Yes. I am sure that I have suffered a work of witchcraft.


I think so, but I lack information to know.


No. I have not suffered any work of witchcraft.


What have you done to break the curse?

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