How to cure empacho with tape, prayer, home remedies and more

if you want to learn how to cure indigestion With spells and incantations, in this article you will learn different ways (cure empacho at a distance, at home or by word) with which you will be able to end this annoying problem in a short time.

What is the packing?

What is commonly known as empacho is neither more nor less than indigestion. This could have been caused by eating something bad or simply because something did not go as expected, you ate too much or whatever. Although it can be treated like any stomach problem, medically or naturally, there are also many people who resort to esoteric practices.

There are several who maintain that nothing better than resorting to a healer to cure indigestion. But, what are the most common esoteric practices used by these “sorcerers” when dealing with this problem? In this article you will see some of the more traditional uses.

symptoms of embarrassment

Although this condition can be cured with esoteric methods, its cause is usually an excess of food or a bad combination of foods. Within the symptoms of empacho you can perceive:

  • constipation or diarrhea
  • flatulence
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of appetite
  • Acidity

Symptoms of embarrassment in newborn babies

The symptoms of empacho in younger children are more difficult to recognize, since they cannot put into words what is happening to them:

  • Crying
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite

It is always better to clear doubts with a doctor, before assuring that the child has indigestion.

Symptoms of empacho in children

The symptoms of empacho in children are very similar to those of adults. Almost identical. Children who already speak can express their discomfort and their symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Lack of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • sudden irritability

In these cases, when it is easy to determine what the child has indigestion, it is advisable to carry out one of the following methods to cure indigestion.

Symptoms of empacho in adults

In adults, the symptoms of empacho are general. Probably to a much greater degree since the diet of an adult person is usually much more abundant and diverse:

  • flatulence
  • Abdominal pain
  • Acidity
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite

Esoteric methods used to cure empacho

There are a large number of home remedies for this problem, as well as magical ways that speed up the process and in some cases cure it from the root. Get to know some of the most traditional rites and learn how to cure indigestion:

How to cure empacho with tape

Generally, it consists of a method that is usually done with a tape measure. The curandero or person in charge of curing the empacho, measures three times with his elbow at the tips of his fingers, until reaching the belly of the empachado. According to where you arrive, you can check whether or not you are suffering from this problem.

Also, meanwhile, he says words that only he knows and that are the ones that would effect the cure. Very traditional in some areas of America, it is still a widely used method.

Cure the empacho with the “cuerito roll”

This method consists of gently pulling the skin attached to the vertebrae, with the person on his back. At a given moment, the healer feels a kind of noise, which would indicate that the indigestion is cured.

Another technique that is even sometimes recommended by some specialists who believe in this subject.

How to cure word empacho

It is, perhaps, one of the most common ways to treat this problem. The curandero recites a prayer to cure the empacho and this will do the rest. This is one of the phrases that, in theory, would be used to cure indigestion:

“Jesus of Nazareth, may good come to (name of the person in question) and may evil go away. Amen” This phrase is repeated three times, beginning with a sign of the cross over the sick person. It is said that these types of phrases are passed from generation to generation and that, in order to have power, they must be transmitted on a night related to a Catholic holiday (Holy Week, Christmas, etc.)

Home remedies to cure indigestion

In addition to esoteric methods, there are also 100% natural and home remedies to cure indigestion:

  • Plants to cure the stomach: The best natural remedies for the stomach are those that have been used for hundreds of years and are part of popular knowledge. Get to know some of the most effective remedies and learn how to cure indigestion.
  • Remedies for a swollen belly: learn effective remedies and essential exercises to eliminate the swelling of your stomach (classic symptom of indigestion) in a short time.
  • Natural remedies for constipation: constipation is one of the main symptoms of empacho. If you use these remedies you will be able to speed up digestion and improve the transit of your large intestine.
  • Natural remedies for indigestion: In addition to esoteric methods, there are a large number of remedies for indigestion based on plants or natural herbs, which you can make at home. Get to know an Ayurvedic remedy based on nutmeg that will help you end indigestion and indigestion.
  • Natural digestive remedy: Learn how to prepare a gentian infusion that will help you relieve indigestion symptoms naturally and in a very short time.

Have you ever cured the empacho in these ways?

Yes, and it has worked very well for me


Yes, but it was a scam


No, but I wouldn’t be afraid to


No, I do not believe in these practices


What other ways do you know?

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