How to cure a baby, a child and an adult from fright

While adults can put into words when something has scared them and feel that the fear has been internalized, this is not the case with young children and infants. For example, how to cure a 2-month-old baby from fright?

Usually, babies who have been startled show abnormal behavior, cry uncontrollably, or are very nervous. These are the signs that a baby is scared. Although there may be many reasons why the child feels upset and it is good to review each and every one (food, temperature, teething, wet diapers, etc.), in this article you will learn about some of the popular traditions carried out by healers when no explanation can be found for these behaviors and the conclusion is reached that it is a frightened baby.

What is good for fright

Below I will share some of the best known popular techniques to cure fright in babies, children and adults.

How to cure a scared baby

Do you wonder my baby is scared how do I cure him? Well, to cure fright in babies there are some simple ways that I will detail below:

new newspaper

Take a piece of today’s newspaper and gently rub it all over your body. Once done you must take the paper away from your house and burn it.

raw egg

Take a raw egg and gently roll it all over the baby’s body. Head and feet are essential. Then break the egg into a glass of water and if the white and yolk are slightly cooked, it means that the child has been frightened but that you have already removed the fright.


Would you like to know how to cure fright in babies with prayers? Well then, you can use this one.

Prayer for scared babies

Daddy God, today I want to tell you that I have been afraid to sleep,

because when I close my eyes I feel that there is someone in my room, but I know

that I know someone is You, and that is why I should not feel any fear,

but I ask you to please take care of me from all the bad

and that you send your angels to watch over me while I sleep,

I know that you listen to me when I speak to you and that is why I trust that you will,

help me to be a brave boy and understand that you will always be with me

everywhere where I am.

Dear daddy God, help me sleep peacefully until the next day.

I ask this in the name of Jesus, your son, amen and amen.

Now that you have found the answer to how to cure my baby of fright, you may need to know how to do it with children or adults. Find out!

How to cure a child of fright

With small children, the same tricks can be applied as with babies and, in addition, we share with you another popular remedy that will help you cure scares in children:


Alum is a mineral that is often used as an astringent and deodorant. To take the fright out of a child you must gently pass the alum from head to foot. Then you must place it in a pot that you do not use for cooking and leave it on a low heat. Once the alum is consumed, the image of what has scared a child (a dog for example) will appear.

How to cure susto in adults

Curing fright in adults is not like curing fright in newborn babies, eggs and alum are not effective in adults. However, the adult has a much greater capacity to cure himself of fright. The person who was frightened should follow the following advice.

  • Avoid eating sweet things for 24 hours after the scare.
  • Also avoid consuming sweet drinks for the same amount of time.
  • Tell what happened to someone you trust.
  • Eat a salt loaf. You must eat at least half to remove the scare.
  • Take a shot of strong alcohol (tequila, aguardiente or whiskey for example)

Prayer to cure fright

Another of the most popular ways to cure people of fright is through prayers and prayers. Here I share with you a powerful Catholic prayer to heal from fright. Pray this prayer to heal from fright during the 3 days after the fright to eliminate the fright completely:

Prayer to heal from fear

I sanctify you, in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Jesus! creature of God, I will cut your fright, I do not cut it with a knife, nor with iron, nor hammered hammer, because it cannot be cut, I cut it in the name of the Father, of the son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
Jesus, my Lord Jesus Christ, at the age of 33 you walked the world
and in many shelters you entered and many sick you cured and Mary Magdalene you forgave
you already resurrected Saint Lazarus and on the cross you expired for us
and just as these words are true and true, do well to frighten or disgust this creature
that run through the nerves and veins of the body, and to the angels of heaven and the masses of the missal
and the three strong words, that the priest says at the altar
or any other evil that this creature in its body has
take it to the depths of the sea where it does not grow
nor remain, where it does no harm neither to you, nor to me, nor any born creature.
Jesus entered Bethlehem and felt no harm, as well as these words, fright, I will cure you.
Jesus! creature of god, where Jesus is named
all evil is amazed, where Jesus is named
all evil and brokenness, has been removed, where Jesus was named
all evil and brokenness was removed, he says goodbye to you, he says goodbye to me
I remove it with the grace of God and the holy spirit.

Did you know this psalm to cure fright?Have you tried it? Has this prayer been useful to you to cure fright?

home remedies for scare

Now that you know what fright is and in what traditional ways it is usually cured, here I share some home remedies that will be useful to calm the fear, anxiety and nerves caused by fright.

IMPORTANT: These remedies are for adults since they are medicinal herbs. You should not use these susto remedies with young children or babies.

  • Herbs to calm the nerves: Get to know the best medicinal herbs that will help you relax and calm nerves produced by a scare or by any type of tense situation.
  • 8 tricks to calm nerves: here you will find 8 healthy habits that will help you eliminate the nerves of everyday life and considerably improve your quality of life.
  • Nerve treatments: discover the best recipes and preparations to eliminate nerves and anxiety in a 100% natural and effective way.

Have you ever been frightened or frightened?

No. I have never suffered fright or fright


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