How much is 70 times 7 according to the Bible?

Much later in Matthew 18:22 it says that when Peter asks the Master how many times he should forgive, the Master tells him: “I don’t tell you until 7, if not up to 70 times 7” By this he meant that Always, on all occasions and every time we are asked for forgiveness.

What is the result of 70 times 7?

“When Jesus says ’70 times 7′, one might think, ’70×7=490′.

How many times can God forgive you?

Jesus told him: seventy times seven! Matthew 18:21-2: “Then Peter came up to him and said, Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven? He himself is willing to forgive us seventy times seven.

Why do you have to forgive?

Forgiveness is the tool that helps us free ourselves from burdens and walk lightly and happily through life. It helps us to let go of grudges, desire for revenge and those negative emotions, product of a situation that hurt us. It is good to know that forgiving is not forgetting, minimizing or justifying the damage.

What does the Bible tell us about forgiveness?

Forgiveness is living with the memory, excusing another for an action considered to be an offence, eventually renouncing revenge, or claiming just punishment or restitution, choosing not to take the offense into account in the future, so that relations between the offender forgiven and offended forgiver there are no more or…

How many times must I forgive 70 times 7?

Much later in Matthew 18:22 it says that when Peter asks the Master how many times he should forgive, the Master tells him: “I don’t tell you until 7, if not up to 70 times 7” By this he meant that Always, on all occasions and every time we are asked for forgiveness.

How many times is the number 7 repeated in the Bible?

The 7 is cited in the Bible 737 times. Since it is God’s favorite number, in the Tabernacle, the candlestick (the Menorah) had 7 branches, and much more, In Revelation 7 cups, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, etc.

What is the sin that has no forgiveness from God?

But Jesus himself said that there was one sin that could not be forgiven: blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

How does God forgive me?

God says that when you ask for forgiveness with a sincere heart, He is faithful to forgive. Tell yourself that you believe him and tell God that you believe him. 1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Repeat this passage to God and believe it.

What is blasphemy against God?

Blasphemy is an offense to a divinity. It is an insult or irreverence towards a religion or towards what is considered sacred. It is the defamation of the name of a god. The term blasphemy comes from the Greek “blaptein”, which means to insult, and “pheme”, which means reputation.

When does God forgive you?

When God forgives us he decides not to take into account our sins. Christ carried our sins on the cross and grants us the opportunity for a new beginning, a new life guided by him. Look at some examples of lives transformed by God’s forgiveness.

What happens to the one who does not forgive?

If we do not forgive: we carry a tremendous weight everywhere, which is displayed on my face, in my facial expression, in the marks on my face, and even if I smile, my face gives me away. I am giving tremendous power to one person in my life, who is in charge of deciding how to feel, because I am passing the helm to them.

Why forgive an infidelity?

You can define new norms in the relationship and express your own limits. That is, by forgiving an infidelity you have the opportunity to lay the foundations of the new love on the basis of the previous relationship. At this stage you have the opportunity to correct mistakes and reinforce virtues.

What does the Bible say about love?

The Commandment of love (St. John 15, 12-17)

“This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you.

What does the Bible say about romantic love?

The Bible keeps among its verses beautiful references about the love of a couple. … Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. He excuses everything, believes everything, expects everything, supports everything. Love is never extinguished”, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

What does the Bible say about people who do evil?

Considerations. The Bible tells us that we should not hurt others, even when they have hurt us first. In Romans 12:17, the Bible tells us, “Repay no man evil for evil.” Instead, “Bless those who persecute you; bless, and curse not” (Romans 12:14).

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