He Came to Save What Was Lost: Luke 19:10

When we talk about what He came to save what was lost, we mean that Jesus did not come into this world to look for just, good or holy people. Jesus came to look for the most despised; to the sick, the poor and every person who is lost in this world.

Jesus came to save sinners, those who did not know his word and were in darkness, he came to this world to die for our sins and give us eternal salvation.1 Timothy 1:15 He says “This is a credible word and one that must be accepted without reservation, namely, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am the first.”

The main thing we must keep in mind is accepting our mistakes, accepting that since we came into this world we are sinners, and only by the mercy of Jesus will we be saved by doing his will;1 Timothy 1:16. This shows us that neither you nor I are free from sin, we all are, only that Jesus loves us so much that we are forgiven whenever we repent.

Why does God want to save me?

Christ Jesus is the only righteous one, without any sin, who has paid for all our sins. He loves us so much that he died for us on a cross, so we can start all over again. He loved us and loves us.

If you are aware that you are a sinner in the same way as me or anyone else, you can be sure that through Jesus you still have the hope of saving yourself through his blood. You just have to repent from the heart and abandon those ties, vices, everything that keeps you from Jesus, everything that holds you to this world. Since He is our way, the truth and eternal life.

He came to save what was lost, because he loved us from the beginning when we were made in his image and likeness. Imagine yourself as a child losing a toy or a coin from your pocket, your identity documents or more important things like a pet or a loved one. If it hurts us so much to lose these kinds of things, imagine for God what it means to lose you.

That is why your Heavenly Father asks you so much every day of your life, because he does not want to lose your soul, he does not want the enemy to take you away for eternity. And yet we are so proud that we do not look for it or pray or make an effort, on the contrary. God searches for you without ceasing every day and expects you to fix your gaze on Him.

We invite you to read:

Do I have the right to repentance after death?

When Christ was on the cross on his deathbed, something amazing happened. The criminal who was crucified next to Jesus, in the last minutes of his life repented for all his sins and recognized that he had mocked his word many times, but there was sincere repentance in his heart . Jesus gave him the promise that that day he would be with Him in paradise. Luke 23:39-43 He says:

“One of the criminals hanging next to him insulted him saying: – Aren’t you the Messiah? Well, save yourself and save us!, but the other to his companion, saying: – don’t you fear God, you who are condemned to the same punishment?, we are justly paying for the crimes we have committed, but He hasn’t done anything wrong. And he added: “Jesus, remember me when you come as king. Jesus answered him: – I assure you that today you will be with me in paradise.

What does the Lord want to teach us with these words? We will have the right to repent as long as it is from the heart, and we are still in this world in which God can intercede for us through his spirit. But once death without regret comes to us, it will be too late, because the enemy will also claim our soul.

That is why God asks us to live each day according to his word and as if it were the last day of our lives. Since nobody knows the day, nor the hour of his coming and neither of our departure. And it’s not just about repenting, but also not continuing to make the same mistakes.

What do we learn from this?

From all this topic we can learn that He came to save what was lost, that is, to each one of us. This tells us that there is no purer love like that of our Heavenly Father. What person on this earth would give his life for you, because he loves you? I assure you that no one would, and even so we give a lot for those people we love. So, God must be shown twice as much interest and love, so that he can work in our lives.

So I invite you today to plant your knees on the floor and repent with your heart before God, promise him that you will try to be a better person. Salvation is free, God only asks you to accept it and do his will. Nope allow the enemy to take away all the blessings that He has wanted for you, do not allow him to steal your salvation and freedom, only in our Father we are victors and we are protected, and nothing and no one can touch us.

It may interest you:

James 4:14 He says Do you know what will happen to you tomorrow? For your lives are like a cloud of steam, which appears for an instant and then dissipates.” Do not think that, because you are young, you still have a lot to live and do not have Christ in your life, because none of us knows until what day he will live. “Who knows how to do good and does not do it, commits sin.

I hope you liked the topic, that it has served you as a reflection. I invite you to put your hand on your heart and let go of everything that hurts you, ask for forgiveness for every sin you have committed, from the most insignificant. I assure you that God will receive you with open arms, he will take control of your life and make you a better person according to his word.

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