Elina Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

The name Elina is a female name of Greek origin that has a very special meaning. This name has become popular in many countries around the world and is very common in countries like Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The meaning of Elina is “torch” or “the one that illuminates”. This name is a variant of the name Helena, which also has a meaning related to light. Elina’s etymology comes from the ancient Greek “Helénē”, which means “torch” or “torch of light”.

Although Elina does not appear in the Bible, the name Helena does appear in the New Testament. In the Bible, Helen was the mother of Constantine the Great, who was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. It is also believed that Helena was the person who found the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

Elina is a name that has been used since classical times and has been very popular in some parts of Europe ever since. In Finland, Elina is one of the most popular names and is very common among girls born in the country.

Elina’s meaning as “torch” or “the one that illuminates” is highly symbolic and represents light and hope. This name is very suitable for those people who have a bright spirit and who seek to illuminate the lives of others.

In addition to its meaning, Elina is a name that has a great sonority and is very easy to pronounce in many different languages. This has made the name very popular among people looking for a name that is easy to remember and has a nice sound.

In summary, Elina is a female name of Greek origin that means “torch” or “the one that illuminates”. This name has been used since classical times and is very popular in some European countries such as Finland, Sweden and Norway. Although it does not appear in the Bible, Elina is related to the name Helena, which does appear in the New Testament. The meaning of Elina is very symbolic and represents light and hope.

Last updated: May 13, 2023

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