Introduction: (Discover the potential in you) On the way to the goal you will face obstacles and distractions, enemies and opposition, trying to avoid this reality is a fantasy.

It is paradoxical to see that it is precisely these things that make people stronger and better. Having clarity in what the Creator put in you and believing it is essential to move forward and achieve bigger goals. conquests…

Defining the term – potential –

Let’s see several perspectives of this word:
Power or force available to achieve an end.
That it is not, but that it has the capacity to be, occur or develop.
It is born from the Greek term “dunamis” which means: power, inherent capacity. Root of our Spanish word: dynamite.
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite (whose basic compound is nitroglycerin), took that name because of its dangerous potential power, in fact his brother died in an explosion caused by this compound.

This led him to invent a way to control it (he used clay). The dynamite itself does nothing, it must be activated. Potential is power, strength, virtue, which is in you and must be developed, activated.
So potential is the hidden capacity; power off; the energy that has not been developed; it is what you can do, but have not yet done; it’s where you can go, but haven’t gone yet; it is what you can do, but have not yet done.

Potential is the vast source of unknown resources with which you were endowed by God from birth.

Consider the example of the mustard seed, about which Jesus said:
“A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds… but it becomes the largest of vegetables, and becomes a tree, in such a way that the birds of the sky come and make nests in its branches”
It is a small seed, but it contains the potential to be a great tree. Also in you there is a great potential that must germinate and grow to achieve what is designed for you, and that in turn will be of benefit to others, like the tree for the birds.
It is said that there are three types of people: the few who make things happen, the many who see things happen, and the vast majority who don’t even have a notion of what is happening.
The greatest wealth on the planet is not found in the oil fields of the Middle East, in the gold and diamond mines of Africa, or of uranium in Russia, but in the potential within people.
Unfortunately most of this wealth was lost, it lies inert in cemeteries, we talk about dreams that never came true, books that were never written, inventions that were never designed, projects that were never executed, songs that were never sung, a great loss. , but as long as there is life we ​​can activate and develop the potential that will lead us to the fulfillment of dreams, to the reality of vision.

Purposes of the potential:
Achieve the dreams of the heart (Understanding heart as your spiritual life, your inner life).
Feed the strength of the conqueror (it is the potential that will propel you in the face of adversity and obstacles)
Promote the greatness of vision in the person (without vision there is no direction).
Lead the human being to his fullness of life (True happiness is to achieve what we came to exist for).

Laws that govern the development of potential:
believe it. It is necessary not only that you know it, it is essential that you believe it. It is not enough to “know” the potential in the mind, it is necessary to accept it in the heart. Someone once said: “no one can make you feel inferior, without your consent”). Let us remember the phrase of Jesus: “Do not fear, only believe”.
From Thomas Edison, u.A teacher said that he was a slow learner, his father almost convinced him that he was clumsy and low in intelligence. Today we enjoy electricity.
of Albert Einstein, his parents considered him foolish, a teacher told him that he would not achieve anything in life. Today we have the theory of relativity.
cultivate your spirit. When the human being lives indifferent to his inner being, to his spiritual life, it is like living divided, segmented, oblivious to the component that in man takes him to his highest level of life, it is there where he transcends his natural life, he finds himself with God, he is inspired, renewed and fills his deposit of love, because we cannot give what we do not have, we cannot lead others where we have not gone.
King David of Israel at the most critical moment of his life, chose to enter into spiritual reflection, and declared:
“Behold, you love the truth in the secret, and in the secret you have made me understand wisdom”.
It tells us about investing time in our inner being, allowing our spirit to reach divine advice, and making the right decisions for the benefit of you and yours.

(I invite you to read: Sermons written to preach).
“And he took him outside, and said to him: Look now at the heavens, and count the stars, if you can count them. And he said to him: So shall your offspring be”
We are talking about the Hebrew patriarch Abraham, here he was one hundred years old, his body and his hope was failing (they had no son), but he left his tent (his tent) and when he looked at the sky, that is, when he correctly located his vision, it was renovated.
Get out of your tent, your own limits, or those that others have imposed on you, look at the sky and see that each star has a special place and its own brightness, God has planned great things for you. Your vision is as big as you think the potential of God in you is.
Get trained, grow and help others. We will never stop learning, our heart must maintain a teachable attitude. One of the great problems of pride is that it makes ignorance greater:
“The wise will hear, and knowledge will increase, and the understanding will acquire skill”
“Knowledge enriches the mind, wisdom enriches the person.”
When we help others to go where we have gone, when we can transmit to others what we have learned and lived, then the potential ceases to be to become actions of life. It is when you manage to see that developing your potential was worth it, the joy of your heart is to see that others develop theirs. You become an inspiration to others whether you like it or not.

(I invite you to read: Sermons written to preach).
Conclusion: There are those who develop Their potential and they become different men and women who impact the world in the different areas that are developed regardless of race and culture. So leaders are ordinary people who allow their potential to unfold.

The world is in need of leaders who inspire others to follow and fulfill the purpose and destiny planned for their lives. The good leader not only knows where he is going, but he can inspire others to go with him. He discovers and develops the potential that God has placed in you.

In addition to this article, we invite you to read others that will bless your life:

Written by Pastor Gonzalo Sanabria.

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