Beautiful and Miraculous Prayer for a Deceased Brother | Faithful to God

One of the most difficult relatives to lose and see leave this world is a brother. That is why we must learn prayers for a deceased brother. Bestowing blessings along the way meet the almighty.

A prayer of psalms for a deceased brother

In case you want to make a beautiful sentence, you should rely on . That also bring peace to your life and get the resignation that you need.

Revered Lord Jesus,

Today I have a lump in my throat

because of the situation I’m going through,

to lose one of my brothers.

you took it to be happy

to the Kingdom of Heaven,

but in my heart it does not exist

no consolation.

My brother is very important

for me. It is an essential part of my life.

That’s why, Lord Jesus, I don’t know what to do.

I feel devastated!

For such a terrible situation,

I don’t want to keep crying

in this way.

Lord I feel lost

I need you to listen to my pleas

to get solace

from the horrible cold of loneliness

that I feel today

The loss of my brother

is one of the largest

that I have had in my life.

Therefore, beloved Jesus,

I need you to understand me.

I don’t know how to think and neither

how to act.

In the same way, my God,

I offer you these tears

for you to get

the best place in heaven.

Let, at some point,

I meet him again.

I will look forward to the time

of my arrival and the end of my days.

Now I have an important Angel,

in heaven what is my brother.

My brother is a noble being,

with a divine soul and although

my soul is in mourning; I have the

certain that you have it on your side.

Because, Lord,

You recognize the divinity

of the Spirits.

Bless your spirit even more,

like you did in life

That’s why I raise these prayers

prayer to heaven.

To recognize

with humility that only you

You have the power.

I beg you to get him

absolute rest

to my brother that I have lost

and death has taken.

Despite this, it will always be

in my fervent heart of love.

Especially when I ask you

and prayers, he will be among my pleas.

I miss him with all my heart.

I want you to send him this message

of love from me.

Although there are no words

for a person’s farewell

so important to me. I know he’s not dead

Well, we’ll see you in heaven.

We will remember him so full of joy,

how was it in life

and so I will have it in my soul.

Beloved, God, be merciful to him

and forgive all sins

that he may have committed.

My brother loves you and appreciates you,

as he also praises and venerates you.

Blessed are you God for this opportunity

that you gave me today

In order to order

in your sacred hands,

my heart and my brother.

To get in such a way,

that I can have the rest

and perpetual peace.

From dust we were born and to dust we return,

our time will come

of eternal rest.

However, You have not promised

A paradise, when that time comes

we will meet him

Those who have gone before, no doubt,

they will have already met him,

because they have had your mercy

through forgiveness.

Dear God, bless my brother,

give him all the necessary light,

in case you don’t understand why you left.

And although on earth we miss him,

give him resignation for

being able to accept that this has been

your Holy Will.

Also, give us strength, these moments

they are tough, we want to overcome them.

Thank you, God, for hearing my plea and

Help me not feel lost.

For my brother to get the way

to the light where he should rest in peace.


How to pray for the eternal rest of a loved one?

Contrary to popular belief, you can for a loved one. To get the peace of your rest. You can do this any time you feel ready to fire him. Even though you can’t see it when you say a prayer, can you feel it inside your heart. God will be your refuge and your strength.

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