Be anxious for nothing, verse, Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4: 6-7), be anxious for nothing.

Be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6), have confidence

Anxiety and worry indicate a lack of confidence in God’s wisdom, sovereignty, and power, but remember that we are told to be anxious about nothing. Delighting in the Lord and meditating on his Word is the best antidote to anxiety, so don’t worry about anything… It is also important to understand that gratitude to God accompanies all true prayer and that all difficulties are within the purposes of God.

Do not be anxious for anything, because in Philippians 4:7 we are told about the peace of God

In verse 7 we are told about the peace of God, because the believer is promised calm and inner tranquility if he has an attitude of gratitude based on his unshakable confidence that God can and wants to do what is best for his children, just like that. that you are anxious for nothing.

The origin of inner peace is divine, that is why we are told that it surpasses all understanding, it transcends the intellect, analysis and wisdom of human beings, therefore, do not be anxious for anything. This peace will guard your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus, that is, the peace of God keeps believers from anxiety, doubt, fear and anguish. Because of the believer’s union with Christ, He guards his inner being with his perfect peace, therefore be anxious for nothing.

Be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6), let us not be anxious for anything

Be anxious for nothing… Living a life free of worries and anxiety sounds wonderful. But is that really possible? How can followers of Jesus live this kind of life? Be anxious for nothing. How to achieve it?

Do not be anxious for anything, God helps us

While this verse (Be anxious about nothing, Philippians 4:6) may seem simple enough to understand, there is a lot we can glean from delving into the meaning of Philippians 4:6 (Be anxious about nothing). What we are going to see in this verse is not just a command not to be anxious about anything, but a help on how we can do it. A help so that we can see fulfillment in our lives Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious for anything.”

If you take a few minutes to read this verse, your life and your faith will be enriched. Let’s dig into the meaning of Philippians 4:6 (Be anxious for nothing) and how it applies to your life.


be anxious for nothing

Many of the New Testament books are actually letters. And these letters were written to a real group of people who were facing real life problems. These letters, mostly written by the Apostle Paul, were addressed to these people and their unique circumstances.

Be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6)… circumstances for which this letter to the Philippians was written

In order for us to understand how to correctly apply Paul’s letter to our lives, especially the verse that tells us to “be anxious for nothing,” we need to understand the circumstances in which they were written.

Do not be anxious for anything, the circumstances

This letter was written by Paul and addressed to the church in Philippi. Paul felt a great kinship with this church going back years (Acts 16).

Now, in the city of Philippi there was a polytheistic culture that was not exactly welcoming to Paul when he first visited. They were stripped, beaten with rods, severely flogged, and thrown into prison (Acts 16:19-23). Despite this, the church in Philippi remained strong and supported Paul in his ministry.

Paul is under house arrest, they are beginning to face persecution (Philippians 1:29), church members were acting selfishly (Philippians 2), false teachings were springing up (Philippians 3), and Paul even calls out two women for their name (Philippians 4:2).

So be anxious, Paul focused on joy and rejoicing despite adversity

Things are not going well. So it may seem a bit surprising that Paul intentionally focuses on joy and rejoicing through this letter to the Philippian church. (Philippians 1:4, 18,2:2, 3:1, 4:4)

Be anxious for nothing, let us rejoice in Christ

The Philippian church faces external pressures and internal problems. Paul is challenging this church not to look at their circumstances with joy, but to look at God. It is possible to rejoice in our suffering when we are rooted in Christ. Let us remember that “be anxious for nothing”.

As Paul begins to conclude this letter with a final command to rejoice (Philippians 4:4), he ends with the solution of how to do it. And that’s what brings us to the verse we’re looking at. So now that we know the context, let’s dig into the meaning of Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing”


Understanding the verse, be anxious for nothing

To help us understand what this verse is telling us today, I want to go through it section by section.

Be anxious for nothing according to the Bible

When Paul says, “be anxious for nothing” he is referring to anxiety that overwhelms and consumes. It is not a general concern or care. We know this because earlier in his letter, Paul commends Timothy for caring for the welfare of his people (Philippians 2:20). We should positively care about others, but not unduly care about anything.

Be anxious for nothing, the goal set

Do not be anxious for anything, the goal is clearly set and steep. But really this verse should be read more as an encouragement. We should not worry because we have a good God who cares about us and what we are going through.

Many only know this first section of the verse. However, in the last parts, Paul will tell us why and how we can’t be anxious about anything. Let us remember that we are told to be anxious for nothing.

Be anxious for nothing, God takes care of anxiety

We should also keep in mind that some struggle with severe anxiety. Some will claim that adequate faith will cure all anxiety. But that is an ill-informed view. For those who struggle with anxiety that won’t go away, a visit to a doctor is the smart thing to do. God can remove your anxiety through prayer; he can also help you control it through medication. You should do both, but keep in mind that the Bible says be anxious for nothing.

Let your requests be known before God… Be anxious for nothing

Do not be anxious for anything, God is a good father who takes care of his children. Therefore, we must present our requests and our needs to Him.

What Paul is saying is that when we are concerned about something, we should present it to God. Do not be anxious for anything, on our own we are powerless to change what worries us. But God is the one who can really bring change and healing.

If you have time to worry, you can have time to pray… don’t worry about anything

If you have time to worry, you have time to pray, but we are told don’t be anxious for anything. I think there is some truth to this. Our concern should bring us closer to our father in prayer.

In all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving…Be anxious for nothing

Be anxious for nothing, pray and ask giving thanks

Don’t worry about anything… don’t be anxious about anything… So, what should we do instead? Paul is about to give us the answer. We must in EVERY situation pray and ask with thanksgiving.

Be anxious for nothing, go to God with your needs

We must continue to go to God with our needs. Don’t be anxious for anything. Every time we are anxious we must bring that before God.

Paul adds this by saying that we are to do this thankfully. This is the heart with which we must go before God. Why grateful? Because we have a God who cares and is involved in what we face. But not only that, when we express gratitude our hearts change.

Be anxious for nothing… and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding… Philippians 4:7

Philippians 4:7 says what will happen if we do the above (Be careful). We will find peace. It is not about the peace that depends on our circumstances, but about the peace that transcends understanding.

The peace of God is found in Jesus. And we can experience that peace even when our lives are falling apart.


Be anxious for nothing, lessons of what it means

I want to finish by giving you 5 quick lessons that you can take from the meaning of Philippians 4:6: “Be anxious for nothing…”

1. Be anxious for nothing, God is with us and will take care of us

Fear and worry build up when we place the burdens of our lives on ourselves. Throughout the Bible we are reminded that God is with us and will take care of us; therefore, be anxious for nothing.

Philippians 4:6 (Do not be anxious) is another reminder that God has us. We should not worry because God will not fail us.

2. Prayer is powerful, therefore, be anxious for nothing

In this short verse, Paul mentions prayer. Every time Paul uses a different word for prayer he is showing us how powerful prayer is and what he does in our lives.

First he uses a general term for our communication with God (proseuche). Then our requests (deesis) for our needs. Thanksgiving (eucharistias) for what God has done in our life. And finally presenting our specific requests (aitemata). The bottom line is that prayer is powerful. It does things that we cannot fully comprehend.

3. Be anxious for nothing, because worry cannot change anything

Jesus says that worry cannot add one cubit to your height, so “Why do you worry about the rest?” (Luke 12:25-26). Pablo echoes that sentiment here, worry accomplishes nothing. In fact, he does the opposite. He takes from us and gives nothing in return.

The meaning of Philippians 4:6 (Be anxious for nothing) is a challenge for us to look to our Heavenly Father who is in control.

4. Be anxious for nothing… Practice gratitude

It almost seems out of place that in the middle of Philippians 4:6 Paul adds “with thanksgiving”; but I don’t think it’s a bug. It’s hard to worry when we practice gratitude and notice all the ways God has provided for us in the past. Let’s give thanks to the Lord… don’t be anxious for anything.

5. Be anxious for nothing: Peace is found in Jesus Christ and not in circumstances

We often think that peace is found when we have a peaceful life, when…

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