A woman thirsty for God. Bible story

I am going to tell you the biblical story of a woman thirsty for God. She is a woman who lived in Samaria, which is why she is known in the Bible as the Samaritan woman.

I encourage you to read it to the end, because you may also be a little thirsty, even if you have been a Christian for a long time. You can read the full story in John 4:1-30.

Of course we are not talking about a physical thirst, but about a thirst in the spirit or in the soul; for that reason is that sometimes we cannot perceive it.

I ask God to give us a revelation today of what is happening inside us, through this story.

The story is set in the time of Jesus and takes place in Israel.

Jesus was walking with his disciples from Judea to Galilee and had to pass through Samaria. They made a stop at Jacob’s well, where the inhabitants of that place drank water.

While his disciples went to buy food in town, Jesus sat down to rest, it was at that moment when the woman in our story arrived.

And it is where I found in this Samaritan woman some of the traits of a woman thirsty for God.

I share them below:


1.- Live with a feeling of rejection (v. 7-9).

When the woman reaches the well, Jesus asks her for water to drink. Then she is surprised because the Jews did not speak with the Samaritans and less with the women.

Why was he surprised?

This woman was used to rejection. For being a woman and for being a Samaritan. She believed that she deserved to be ignored. She did not feel worthy of being taken into account.

He did not expect Jesus to speak to him, much less ask him for water to drink.

That is why he replied:

«You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why do you ask me for water to drink?» (v. 9).

Sometimes we women feel that way about Jesus. We have been rejected so much that we believe that He will not listen to us either.

Or maybe we think we’ve had so many mistakes and failures that we don’t deserve to be forgiven and accepted.

You will be interested in reading: The story of the wrinkled bill.

2.- She does not recognize Jesus near her.

She has the long-awaited Messiah in front of her, but she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t know who is talking to her and she doesn’t realize that the only thing she wants is for her to meet him. She told Jesus:

«If you only knew the gift that God has for you and who you are talking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.».

How many times do we turn a deaf ear when Jesus asks us to give him our lives and our hearts. We don’t understand that all he wants is for us to know him and have a relationship with him.

3.- Doubt of the power of God.

You still don’t understand this woman. She also lets him see surreptitiously that she can get the water out because she has a bucket and a rope. Jesus can’t because he doesn’t have what she has (v 11).

A woman thirsty for God cannot measure the great power of God. Her mind is very material.

In addition, he trusts more in his material resources than in the supernatural of God.

He tends to focus on the circumstances and therefore has no ability to expect a miracle in his life.

4.- He does not know that he is thirsty for God.

Jesus tells him that He can give him living water so that he will never thirst again (v.13-15).

However, she again continues to move on the natural plane. Jesus is talking to her about spiritual thirst and she is talking about physical thirst, because she is very oblivious to the needs of her spirit.

She has been so entangled in her life struggles that she is not even aware that she needs God in her soul.

A woman thirsty for God is not the one who prays all the time, nor the one who seeks God in reading the Bible.

It may be like the case of the Samaritan woman, who had not realized that she was thirsty for God.

Personally, I believe that a sign of thirst for God is spending a lot of time without seeking God in prayer and in the Word of God. And the worst thing is that they don’t want to do it and believe that it’s okay that way.

5.- She is a dissatisfied woman (v. 16-18).

So far, Jesus decides to change the subject of water. He asks her to bring her husband and she tells him that she doesn’t have a husband.

This woman is surprised again when Jesus tells her:

«It’s true, because you’ve had five husbands and you’re not even married to the man you live with now.».

Now he did tell her a few truths.

This is where I realize that she is an unsatisfied woman. She is a woman who did not like the five previous husbands. None met her expectations. Surely she was looking for the perfect husband for her.

Perhaps our disagreement is not in the area of ​​marriage. It could be that we never find satisfaction in work. Maybe the money or the properties we have are not enough.

In the latter case, it could be that feeling of: “as if something is missing” or that of wanting to continue looking for peace or contentment. That is called thirst for God.


When this woman got the revelation that Jesus is the Messiah, she ran out to tell all the people in town.

Even the pitcher left in the well! And all the people of the village went to meet Jesus.

Dear friend, I don’t know if you are a woman thirsty for God. What I do know is that every day you need to have a revelation of who Jesus is in your life.

Don’t be fooled by the enemy. Be very careful, because you can be in church and suffer spiritual dehydration.

God promises to quench the thirst of your soul. It will fill the gaps in your heart and you will never be in the same situation again.

Cry out for a personal encounter with your Savior and open your heart to receive the revelation of his presence.

If you have been blessed by this story, share it with your contacts so that our community of women of faith grows. May God bless you always, your friend,

Lydia E. Cames

Follow us on Instagram: @rainbowofpromises

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