7 Bible verses with tips for success

God sees success differently than many of us do. For some, being successful means enjoying a good income, a growing career, or a secure job. For others it may be about having a stable family with whom they share dreams and desires.

Jesus gave us the best example how to live a successful life based on what God values. He lived in obedience to the Father, enjoyed a special fellowship with him, and allowed the purpose for which he was sent to be fulfilled.

Let’s look at seven tips found in the Bible that will help us live a successful life, pleasing to God. Let’s learn to see success as he sees it!

7 Biblical Tips for Success

1. Entrust everything to God

Put all your works in the hands of the Lord, and your projects will be fulfilled.
(Proverbs 16:3)

Everything we do we must put in the hands of God. We have to recognize that we depend on him because he created us and knows what is best for us. We must take time to listen to the voice of God and allow him to guide our steps. In this way our projects will become a reality and will go ahead because they will be aligned with his will.

2. Have humility

The fear of the Lord imparts wisdom; humility precedes honor.
(Proverbs 15:33)

Humility is key. A humble heart before God is one that is receptive to his direction, one that takes time to listen to him and delights in his presence. The humble person has a reverent fear before God. He moves with prudence and wisdom prompted by God and not by his own emotions.

3. Delight in the Word of God

Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked, nor stays in the path of sinners, nor cultivates the friendship of blasphemers, but delights in the law of the Lord, and meditates on it day and night. It is like a tree planted on the bank of a river that, when its time comes, bears fruit and its leaves never wither. Everything he does prospers!
(Psalm 1:1-3a)

The Word of God urges us to be prudent. To prosper we must know what to do and what not to do. Discern who to listen to and who not to, and avoid going down paths that are not pleasing to God. We need to delight in the word of the Lord and meditate on it day and night, feeding the spirit in search of the wisdom that comes from God. This is how we will prosper: by prioritizing what is important to God.

8 Bible verses that speak about the Word of God

4. Obey God’s commandments

Now, carefully follow the conditions of this pact so that you will prosper in everything you do.
(Deuteronomy 29:9)

Obedience to God’s commandments brings blessing and prosperity. The greatest blessing is knowing that we are within his will, which fills us with an incomparable peace. But God blesses those who obey him in many ways. If we remain vigilant we will see his work every day and we will feel his blessing in everything we do.

What the Ten Commandments Mean and How to Obey Them

5. Be kind and walk in truth

May love and truth never leave you: always wear them around your neck and write them in the book of your heart. You will have the favor of God and you will have a good reputation among the people.
(Proverbs 3:3-4)

We must show love to others, just as God has for us. We must also walk in the truth. God is not pleased when we seek success by lying, cheating, or plotting to harm others. From God we receive love and truth daily, let’s do the same with those around us. The result? We will have the favor of him and we will be esteemed by others.

6. Success should bring us closer to God

The Lord will put you in the lead, never in the tail. You will always be at the top, never at the bottom, as long as you pay attention to the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, and obey them carefully. Never deviate from any of the words that I order you today, to follow and serve other gods.
(Deuteronomy 28:13-14)

In the midst of triumphs we must keep our eyes focused on God and always walk in obedience to him. We must not allow our accomplishments to puff us up, alienating us from God and His will for our lives. Quite the contrary. Our attitude should be one of gratitude and submission to him, glorifying his name, because it is thanks to his kindness that we have everything we need.

7. Always give glory to God

Do not think: “This wealth is the result of my power and the strength of my hands.” Remember the Lord your God, because it is he who gives you the power to produce that wealth.
(Deuteronomy 8:17-18a)

All our triumphs come from God. He gives us the intelligence, the strength and the means to achieve them. That is why we must remember to give him the glory. This humble attitude, full of gratitude that glorifies God, must come from the depths of our being and direct our thoughts. It is easy to say with our mouths that everything is “thanks to God”, but what really matters is that this is the deep certainty of our hearts.

Do you want to be successful? Commit your plans to God. Be humble, delight in his Word every day, obey his commands, be kind and walk in truth. Stay close to God and always give him the glory. Those are some of the attitudes that will guide you to a successful life pleasing to God.

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