6 Taylor Swift songs that can help improve your relationship with God

Taylor Swift has a song for every mood and she has demonstrated this in almost her entire discography.

For the most part, we can identify with some of these songs. Additionally, Taylor also often teaches us emotional lessons that can be used to our advantage.

With various songs, we too can learn our worth as sons and daughters of God and the way we can apply it in our lives.

I share with you 6 phrases from their songs that can help us face our problems with the guidance of our Heavenly Father.

1. «I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try» -Mirrorball

In this song from the album “Folklore”, Taylor shows us that even though we are not perfect, the important thing is to try, not give up and assume who we really are.

This verse is a small reminder of what we are worth as people in the eyes of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, with His help we can become what we have desired to be in our lives.

2. «Everything you lose, is a step you take» – You’re On Your Own, Kid

Everything that happens to us is for a reason; It makes us move forward and drives us to be better. Although we cannot see it in the moment because of the pain and loss, there are wonderful blessings that come in the Lord’s timing to help us move forward.

Through prayer and revelation we can act in the right way and thus follow the path that Our Heavenly Father desires for us.

There is always something to learn from the difficult moments in our lives.

3. «I’ll be alright, it’s just a thousand cuts»- Death By A Thousand Cuts

Although sometimes we believe that the loss of someone we love is only temporary, the truth is that letting go of that person comes little by little, one step at a time.

Even though that person is no longer present in your life, you can choose to leave the resentment behind and remember the good times.

Don’t be discouraged, everything will be fine, your wounds will heal with time.

4. «I remember It all too well» – All Too Well

This excerpt makes us understand that it is important not to avoid things, it is much better to face our own challenges.

Even though we have to go through that bitter moment, with His help, we can overcome these things.

Assume your own story and take ownership of it, take the time that is necessary and heal what you need to heal.

5. «Sometimes giving up is the strong thing»- it’s time to go

You have to know when to stay, but it’s also important to know when to walk away.

Letting go of the things that distance us from Heavenly Father is the best thing we can do so that, over time, we return to His presence.

This does not mean that we are boring, less brave or weak.

Seeing it from the point of view of the gospel, getting closer to God helps us improve in different aspects of our lives and be a better version of ourselves after overcoming these tests.

6. «I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you» – Long Live

Finally, this is a small reminder to thank those people who have been with you in all those battles in your life and that you sometimes take for granted. Each of them is practicing that selfless love of the Savior, they appreciate you and want the best for you.

Do not immerse yourself in your problems to the point of forgetting your friends and family who will always give you the support you need at the right time.

*Image: Getty Images

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