✟ Prayer of God to Bless Doctors

Medical professionals dedicate their lives to study. Despite belonging to the scientific world, it is good to make prayers for them so that God always guide your performance.

Here are these prayers so that you ask God that they can carry out their diagnoses and interventions with excellence.

prayer for doctors

With this prayer for doctors, you ask for their physical and intellectual well-being, so that they perform optimally the task of caring for their patients.

Holy and sweet Virgin Mary
mother of God and ours,
I come to implore your protection
by doctors and health personnel,
may the light of God guide your actions
May the goodness of Jesus Christ be your north
and that the power of the Holy Spirit
always make them serve others.

Mother protect them
that they can recover and preserve
the health of their patients.

Bless them and fill their hearts with goodness,
and cover them with your infinite love.

Surgeon’s Prayer

The work of medical surgeons is delicate and requires great knowledge. Therefore, the doctor must be a trained person and above all, with humanity. here the a doctor’s prayer.

God our Father and Lord,
into your hands I commend each day
my skills and knowledge
forever do good
and look for the best results.

Please enlighten my mind
to learn more
and to bring health and healing.

That in each intervention
let me be an instrument of your work
and that in the operating room I can always
offer the best of me.

thank you for the intelligence
and for making me love this profession.

Prayer for doctors who are Catholic

Loving God has led many doctors to make your profession an apostolate. That is why this prayer is addressed to Catholic doctors.

Lord and our Father,
Today I ask for your infinite love
that you guide each step of my service
so that like Jesus,
always be willing to help others.

That my hands and knowledge
be willing to find
remedies and procedures
help me stay healthy
to patients who need it.

that each of my actions
serve to cure each sick
and that your work of love and life
manifest through me.

These simple prayers always serve to ask for doctors and each of your actions are guided and blessed by God.

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