※ Prayer to elegua to win the lottery ※ –

Many people look for a way to win the lottery, and some turn to prayer to ask for divine help in their luck. In Santeria, Elegua is the orisha of opportunities and possibilities, so you are asked for his help to be successful in different aspects of life, including the lottery.

Who is Elegua?

Elegua is an orisha of the Yoruba religion, and is considered the owner of the roads and opportunities. In Santeria, he is represented as a child, and he is very important in rituals and ceremonies. He is the first orisha to be greeted in a ceremony, since he is considered to be in charge of opening the paths and allowing the other orishas to arrive.

Prayer to Elegua to win the lottery

Oh Elegua, owner of the roads and opportunities, I ask you to help me win the lottery. I know it’s not the most important thing in life, but I would like to have a little luck and be able to fulfill some of my dreams. I offer you this candle and these flowers as a sign of my respect and my faith in you. Please open the paths of luck and fortune for me, and allow me to succeed in this lottery. Thank you, Elegua.

How should prayer be performed?

Praying to Elegua to win the lottery is an act of faith and devotion, so it should be done with respect and sincerity. It is recommended to light a candle and offer flowers to the orisha, and then recite the prayer with tranquility and concentration. It is important to have faith that Elegua can help us succeed in the lottery, but it is also important to remember that luck does not depend on him alone.

Tips to have more luck in the lottery

In addition to praying to Elegua, there are some tips that can help you have more luck in the lottery. Some of them are:

– Choose numbers that have some personal or special meaning.
– Participate in several different lotteries, instead of investing all the money in one.
– Buy tickets in different places each time.
– Don’t spend more money than you can afford to lose.
– Don’t get obsessed with winning the lottery, and remember that luck is not always on our side.

What to do if you don’t win the lottery?

It is important to keep in mind that the lottery is a game of chance, and that you do not always win. If after praying to Elegua and following the previous advice you do not win the lottery, it is best not to get discouraged and move on. Luck can come at any time and in any form, and it is important to maintain a positive and persevering attitude.


Praying to Elegua to win the lottery is a show of faith and devotion in the orisha of opportunities and possibilities. Although there is no guarantee that you will win the lottery, praying this prayer can help you have a more positive and attractive attitude towards luck. Additionally, following some tips can increase your chances of success in the lottery.

5 Frequently asked questions about the prayer to Elegua to win the lottery

1. Does praying to Elegua guarantee winning the lottery?
No, praying to Elegua does not guarantee winning the lottery, since luck depends on many factors.

2. Is it necessary to be a santero to pray to Elegua?
No, anyone can pray to Elegua, although it is important to do so with respect and devotion.

3. Can I pray to Elegua for any lottery?
Yes, the prayer to Elegua can be done for any lottery, whether national or international.

4. How many times should I pray to Elegua?
There is no specific number of times to pray to Elegua, but it is recommended to do it regularly and faithfully.

5. What other prayers can I say to get lucky in the lottery?
In addition to the prayer to Elegua, there are other prayers and rituals that can be done to have luck in the lottery, such as the prayer to San Cono or the prayer to San Expedito.

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