※ Elegua prayers to open paths ※ –

Elegua is one of the most important orishas in the Yoruba religion, and is considered the owner of the roads and crossroads. That is why many people turn to him for help in opening paths and removing obstacles. Below, we present some prayers to Elegua so that you can invoke his presence and request his help in your personal projects and goals.

Who is Elegua?

Elegua is the orisha who opens and closes the paths, the owner of the crossroads, the first and the last to be consulted. He is the messenger between humans and the other orishas, ​​and is considered the protector of travelers and businesses.

In Santería, Elegua is associated with Saint Anthony of Padua and is represented with a small wooden or metal figure that is placed at the entrance of houses and businesses as protection.

To call Elegua, offerings such as candles, tobacco, rum, honey and fruits are usually used. He is considered a very capricious and mischievous orisha, so it is important to treat him with respect and humility.

Prayer to Elegua to open paths

Oh Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I call on you to open the paths of my life and help me overcome the obstacles that arise before me.

I offer you this candle and this fruit as a token of my respect and my gratitude for your help. May your light illuminate my path and may your blessings always accompany me. Amen.

Prayer to Elegua to eliminate obstacles

Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I ask you to eliminate the obstacles that prevent me from advancing on my path.

I offer you this tobacco as a token of my respect and my gratitude for your help. May your strength and wisdom guide me to success and prosperity. Amen.

Prayer to Elegua for protection

Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I ask you to protect me from all evil and danger.

I offer you this rum as a token of my respect and my gratitude for your help. May your presence give me strength and courage to face any adversity. Amen.

Prayer to Elegua to attract good luck

Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I ask you to help me attract good luck and fortune to my life.

I offer you this honey as a token of my respect and my gratitude for your help. May your positive energy always accompany me and may my projects and goals be crowned with success. Amen.

Prayer to Elegua to ask for forgiveness

Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I ask your forgiveness for any offense or lack of respect that I have committed towards you.

I offer you this white candle as a token of my humility and my repentance. May your benevolence allow me to rectify my path and move forward with your blessing. Amen.

Prayer to Elegua to thank him for his help

Elegua, owner of the roads and crossroads, I thank you for your help and your protection in my life.

I offer you this fruit as a token of my gratitude and my respect. May your blessings always be with me and may your light illuminate my path to success and happiness. Amen.


Elegua is a very important orisha in the Yoruba religion, and is considered the owner of the roads and crossroads. Through these prayers, you can invoke his presence and request his help in opening paths, removing obstacles, protection, good luck, forgiveness and gratitude.

Frequent questions

How can you make an offering to Elegua?

Offerings to Elegua can be candles, tobacco, rum, honey, fruits, among others. They are usually placed on an altar or at the entrance of the house or business.

How should Elegua be treated?

Elegua is a very capricious and mischievous orisha, so he should be treated with respect and humility. It is important not to make promises that cannot be kept, nor to disrespect them.

When should Elegua be invoked?

Elegua can be invoked any time his help is needed, whether to open paths, remove obstacles, protection, good luck, forgiveness or gratitude.

What does the figure of Elegua at the entrance of houses or businesses mean?

The figure of Elegua at the entrance of houses or businesses is used for protection and to attract good luck and prosperity.

How do we know if Elegua has listened to our requests?

You can know if Elegua has heard our requests through signs such as dreams, coincidences, positive changes in our lives, among others.

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