※ God help me make the best decision ※ –

In life, we find ourselves constantly making decisions, some small and some more important. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the responsibility that comes with making a decision that can significantly impact our lives. At such times, many turn to God for guidance and direction to make the best decision possible.

Why ask God for help?

By asking God for help, we recognize that we cannot do everything alone and that we need his divine wisdom to make wise and correct decisions. Furthermore, we believe that God has a plan for our lives and that he can guide us in the right direction to achieve our goals.

In the Bible, Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and not in your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Asking God for help does not guarantee that we will always make the right decision, but it does give us the peace of mind of knowing that we are doing everything we can to make the best decision possible.

How to ask God for help?

There is no magic formula to ask God for help, but there are some ways that can help us in the process:

  • Prayer: Talk to God and ask Him to guide you in making decisions.
  • Read the Bible: The Bible is a source of wisdom and teaching that can help you find answers and guidance for your decisions.
  • Seek advice from others: Sometimes God uses other people to guide us in the right direction. Talk to trusted friends, family, or mentors to get different perspectives.

How do you know if it is God’s answer?

It is important to remember that God’s answer can come in many forms and will not necessarily be a clear and forceful answer. There are some signs that may indicate that you are on the right path:

  • Inner peace: If when making a decision, you feel inner peace and tranquility, it may be a sign that it is the right decision.
  • Confirmation: God can confirm your response through other people, situations or circumstances.
  • Compliance with Christian values: If the decision is aligned with Christian values, it is more likely to be God’s answer.

What happens if I don’t feel God’s response?

At times, it can be difficult to feel God’s response and we may find ourselves in a state of uncertainty and confusion. In those moments, it is important to continue praying and seeking God’s guidance. It is also important to remember that God may be working in us and it may not be the right time to make a decision.

What happens if I make the wrong decision?

Making the wrong decision does not mean that God has abandoned us or stopped guiding us. We can learn from our decisions and use them as an opportunity for growth and learning. Furthermore, we can pray again and ask God for help to correct our path.

What happens if I don’t believe in God?

If you don’t believe in God, you can still seek help from other sources, such as friends, family, mentors, or mental health professionals. You can also look for resources online or in self-help books to make wise and sound decisions.


Making decisions can be difficult, but asking God for help can give us the guidance and wisdom we need to make the best decision possible. It is important to remember that God’s answer can come in many forms and that we must continue to pray and seek guidance from Him at all times.

Frequent questions

  1. Is it necessary to be a Christian to ask God for help in making decisions?
  2. How can I know if my decision is aligned with Christian values?
  3. How can I distinguish God’s voice from my own desires and thoughts?
  4. What should I do if I am not sure what decision to make after praying and seeking God’s help?
  5. What happens if I make a decision and then regret it?

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