※ Gifts of the Holy Spirit Reina Valera ※ –

In the Bible, specifically in 1 Corinthians 12, it talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are supernatural abilities that are given by God to believers to build the church and share the gospel.

The Reina Valera version of the Bible is one of the most used by Spanish-speaking Christians and therefore, in this article we will talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the Reina Valera version.

This article will explain each of the gifts and their importance in the lives of believers.

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

According to the Reina Valera version, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are:

  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Faith
  • Health
  • miracle operation
  • Prophecy
  • Discernment of spirits
  • Variety of languages
  • Language interpretation

Each of these gifts has a specific function in the lives of believers and in the building of the church.

Why are the gifts of the Holy Spirit important?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are important because they are tools that God has given us to serve Him and build the church. Through them, we can share the gospel, heal the sick and strengthen our faith.

Furthermore, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are a manifestation of the power of God in the lives of believers and a sample of the love that God has for his people.

It is important to remember that these gifts are not for our personal benefit, but for the benefit of the church and for the glory of God.

How can the gifts of the Holy Spirit be developed?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not something we can obtain by our own strength or ability, but are a gift from God.

However, we can cultivate the gifts of the Holy Spirit through prayer and seeking God. It is also important to surround ourselves with brothers in faith who can guide and encourage us in the development of our gifts.

It is necessary to have an attitude of humility and willingness to serve God and the church through the gifts he has given us.

How should the gifts of the Holy Spirit be used?

It is important to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit with wisdom and discernment. We should not seek to draw attention to ourselves, but should use our gifts for the glory of God and for the good of the church.

It is also important to remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not a measure of our spirituality or maturity in faith, but rather they are a gift from God that we must use responsibly.

What is the importance of the diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

The diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is important because each of us has a specific role in the church and in God’s plan.

By recognizing and valuing the diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we can work together as one body to build the church and fulfill God’s mission on earth.

The diversity of gifts also shows us the creativity and love of God in giving us unique abilities and talents to serve Him.

What if someone does not have any gift of the Holy Spirit?

It is important to remember that all believers have some gift of the Holy Spirit. However, some gifts may be more evident than others.

If someone is not sure what their gift is, they can seek God’s direction and the guidance of fellow believers to discover it.

It is also important to remember that the lack of a particular gift does not mean that someone cannot serve God or the church. Each of us has something valuable to offer and we can serve God in different ways.

What is the importance of the practice and exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

It is important to practice and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to develop them and improve in their use.

Practice also helps us discern what our gift is and how we can use it effectively in church and daily life.

Furthermore, the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit allows us to grow in our faith and in our relationship with God.


The gifts of the Holy Spirit are a powerful tool that God has given believers to build the church and share the gospel. It is important to cultivate and use these gifts wisely and responsibly, recognizing the diversity of gifts and working together as one body.

Frequent questions

1. Can I have more than one gift of the Holy Spirit?

Yes, it is possible to have more than one gift of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it is common for believers to have more than one gift.

2. Can I ask God to give me a specific gift?

Yes, you can ask God to give you a specific gift, but it is important to remember that gifts are a gift from God and not something we can obtain by our own strength or ability.

3. Why are some gifts more evident than others?

Some gifts are more evident than others because they are manifested more visibly in the lives of believers. However, each gift is important and has a specific function in the church.

4. Can I develop a gift that I don’t have?

It is not possible to develop a gift we do not have, but we can cultivate and improve in the use of the gifts we do have through practice and seeking God.

5. What should I do if I am not sure what my gift of the Holy Spirit is?

If you are not sure what your gift of the Holy Spirit is, you can seek God’s direction and the guidance of fellow believers to discover it. You can also try different activities at church to see which one you are most effective at and feel most passionate about.

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