Who was at the foot of the Cross accompanying Jesus?

Who was at the foot of the cross when Jesus died?

Juan-Marcos or Matías.

What did Jesus say to the Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross?

Father, forgive them because they dont know what they are doing. I assure you that today you will be with me in paradise. Woman, there’s your son!

What women were at the foot of the cross?

Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary—the mother of James and Joseph—and the mother of Zebedee’s children. Next to the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary, wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

Why did Jesus love John more?

Despite all of this, Jesus truly loved John and saw that he had heroic potential, honesty, and a heart that reciprocated his love. Jesus knew that, under the right influence, John could become a mighty messenger of good and called him to be his disciple.

What meaning does it have for Christians to be at the foot of the cross?

In Christianity, the cross represents the victory of Christ over death and sin, since according to their beliefs and thanks to the cross, the incarnate God (“the anointed one”) defeated death itself and rescued humanity from the condemnation.

What was the response of the Virgin Mary?

Mary replied to the angel: – How will that happen if I have not joined a man? The angel replied: -The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow; therefore, the consecrated person who is born will bear the title of Son of God.

What did Jesus say to Mary?

Mary during the public ministry of Jesus

On the cross, it is Jesus who calls his Mother, and as in Cana he calls her “Woman”, entrusting her to be “Mother” of the beloved disciple who is with her next to the cross.

What does Jesus say to Mary from the cross what do those words mean for us?

Answer certified by an expert. Woman, there you have your son, son, there you have your mother: these were the words pronounced by Jesus while he was crucified and Mary crying at the foot of the cross, together with one of his disciples, wanted to reflect the compassion and love that humanity must have one s to others.

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