What to pray on December 24 at night?

How to pray on Christmas night?

Thank you Father for this Night of Peace, Night of Love, that You have given us by giving us your Son, we ask that you bless us, that you bless these foods that given by your kindness we are going to take, and bless the hands that prepared them, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

What is prayed at Christmas dinner?

Bless, Lord, our table on this night of Light. Those of us who are going to have dinner celebrating you know that the party is You who invites us to always be born again. Thank you for the bread and the work, for the generosity and the hope.

What to pray to lull the Child God?

Dear Saint Joseph, thank you for being the father and protector of the Child Jesus, we ask you to pray to God for us so that we may be a family united in love and may be an example of peace and reconciliation for others. Amen.

How to pray for the sacrament?

“O God, Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, we ask you to bless and sanctify this bread for the souls of all who partake of it, so that they may eat it in memory of the body of your Son, and testify before you, O God, Eternal Father, who are willing to take upon themselves the name of your Son, already…

What do you do when you lull the Christ Child?

It must be done before midnight on December 24, when the family is gathered around the manger or Nativity.

What do you do when the Christ Child goes to bed?

When is the Child of God put to bed at birth? In Mexico, and many other parts of the world, we have the custom of “laying the Child Jesus to bed at his birth”, that is, at midnight on the 24th, and Christmas beginning on December 25th.

How do you pray in the posadas?

In Mexico, many traditional Posadas begin with the recitation of the Holy Rosary (like praying the rosary) and then continue with the walk, or procession, which is a representation of José and María’s search for a resting place.

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