What is the prayer of the Doctor Boy?

What is the saint of sick children?

San Pantaleón, his name means “he who pities everyone” was a young man who died at a young age; what little is known about him is thanks to a 6th century manuscript that tells of how he devoted himself to healing the sick. He was a doctor and became a holy martyr when he died at the age of 29 on July 27, 305.

When is the doctor boy’s birthday?

As if that were not enough, on April 30, Doctor Child’s Day, there are hundreds of thousands who come to visit him at the main altar of the Tepeaca church.

What is the psalm of health?

Psalms 6.2-3

“Lord, have mercy on me, for I feel powerless. Lord, restore me to health, for my whole body trembles. I’m shaking with fear! And you, Lord, when will you come?”

What is the holy protector of health?

The Church celebrates the feast of the saint, companion of Saint Paul and author of the third gospel. It is believed by many that Luke was a physician who was born in the city of Antioch.

What meaning does the child God have?

When we say “child God” we refer to the plaster, wood or resin sculptures that represent the Holy Childhood or the infant Jesus.

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