What is patience in the Bible?

What is spiritual patience?

This virtue has to do with behavior and not with time, that is, it highlights the ability of a person to wait without being disturbed, without allowing anxiety and nervousness; the ability to tolerate a certain circumstance without losing calm, without getting upset.

Who do I patiently wait for in the Bible?

Job has been considered for many centuries as the best model of patience, before Jesus Christ. …According to the Bible, Job was a very well-behaved man who shunned evil and was very afraid of offending God.

What did Jesus say about patience?

Hebrews 10:36. What you need is patience; so that, once they have done the will of God, they receive what he has promised to give us (Heb 10:36).

What is patience and an example?

It represents the ability to learn to wait for someone or something, for example: “She had a lot of patience in her work until she got her promotion.” … In relation to this situation there are many examples, how to have a beautiful garden, each step must be done with patience.

How is a person with patience?

Patience, in short, is closely related to calm and peace. A patient person, according to theoretical definitions, is one who knows how to wait and manages to take things calmly. The opposite is an impatient subject, who is anxious and wants everything immediately.

Why do you have to be patient?

Learning to be patient is a virtue that will bring you many benefits for your health: you will be able to live more relaxed, you will reduce your stress, you will be more positive and you will be able to promote tranquility in your environment. Enjoy the moment. The key is to learn to enjoy waiting and take advantage of that time.

What is Job’s patience?

A well-known phrase says: “Patience is an exercise of love, faith, and humility that makes a person grow.” Although Job suffered and even questioned God, he remained faithful, and with indescribable patience, over time he recovered what he had lost and much more.

Who was Job in the life of God?

Job was a very wealthy rancher with 7 sons and 3 daughters and numerous friends and servants. He lived in “the land of Uz,” which is a city mentioned as part of the kingdom of Edom. … God allows Satan to test Job’s integrity, where he could touch his property, family, cattle, among other things except his life.

How to be patient and wait?

To cultivate patience, it is necessary to slow down, focus on the present and live it consciously. Maintaining the security and tranquility that there will be a future, as long as we accompany it with good healthy practices and good attitudes. Patience allows us to live life from patient activity.

What is patience in psychology?

THE WORD patience derives from the Latin patiens, that is: the one who suffers. It implies suffering: that of waiting and that of hope… or despair. We live in a frenetic world. We need to know, to know the results, and we suffer while we wait.

How to learn to be more patient?

How to cultivate patience according to the experts

  1. Don’t exaggerate. …
  2. Relativizing is essential. …
  3. Breathe, focus on the breath and feel that deep pause.
  4. Assume responsibilities. …
  5. Be consistent.
  6. Do not be so demanding with yourself.
  7. Think before you speak and even write.

How to be patient in God?

The essence of the work of patience is this: keep the commandments, trust God our Heavenly Father, serve him with meekness and Christian love, exercise faith and hope in the Savior, and never give up.

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