What is Julio Sánchez Cristo’s salary?

From Julio Sánchez Cristo, who in 1996 earned $30 million a month (today it will be much more), to the journalist Claudia Palacios, who earned $40 million 700 thousand a month when she went through Canal Capital, being the public employee with the best salary in 2017, for above the President of the Republic.

How much does a Colombian worker earn per month?

On average, the monthly income in Colombia is US$310, which in Colombian pesos is equivalent to approximately $1.13 million.

How much does Marbella charge per concert?

A little further down, but moving figures that are still considerable, is the singer Marbelle, interpreter of the song Perlas finas, who at 16 years of age already charges 10 million pesos per concert and whose popularity promises to turn her into another mine of gold.

How much do Colombians earn in 2019?

In addition, according to Dane calculations, the average salary in Colombia is $1.16 million, only $338,477 above the 2019 minimum.

How much does a Colombian earn daily?

How much is a day of work worth in Colombia 2020?Minimum monthly wage + Transportation assistance$ 980,657Minimum daily wage$ 32,688Minimum daily wage + two extra night hours$ 46,992Minimum daily wage + two extra daytime hours$ 42,892Minimum daily wage Sunday or holiday (8 hours)$75,120

How much does a person earn per year?

According to the Labor Secretariat’s Labor Observatory, the average monthly income of Mexican workers is $6,403 pesos. The sectors with the highest income are extractive, government and education, and health, with salaries, respectively, of $11,252, $9,725 and $9,525 pesos.

How many boyfriends did Marbella have?

MarbellePersonal informationSpouseRoyne Chávez (2001-2007) Sebastián Salazar (2015-act)ChildrenRafaella Chávez and Angie CardonaProfessional informationЕщё 11 строк

How many children does Marbella have?

Rafaella Chavez Angie Cardona

How much does Amparo Grisales earn in My name is?

Stellar salaries In Colombia, Amparo Grisales earns in one month what the President earns in ten or what a General earns three soles in fifteen months: approximately 60 million pesos per month. All she has to do is be the lead in Two Women, RTI’s new novel.

How much do Colombians earn in 2018?

Of the more than 22 million workers in the country, in 2018 about 44% earned $781,242 equivalent to the minimum wage or less for that year.

How much does a cadastral engineer earn?

1. Salaries YEARS Only 10 out of 100 people have this salary or more. Average salary.

What is the highest salary in Colombia?

What is the salary of top executives in Colombia? The salary of a senior executive or top level management is between 30 million Colombian pesos and 100 million Colombian pesos.

How much does an upper middle class person earn?

An upper middle class that has an average income per family of 80,000 pesos net per month and that extends up to 130,000 pesos; and a lower middle class that has incomes of up to 42,000 pesos per month.

How much does a middle class person earn?

On average, the middle class in Mexico accomplishes this by earning an average of 16,000 pesos per person.

How much does a middle class person earn?

In Mexico, the average monthly income of a two-person household is 7,128 pesos, so if you have income between 5,346 and 14,256 pesos, you belong to the middle class (according to the institution’s methodology).

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