What is fasting and praying for help in life and in death? And what do you eat or drink? – Biblical studies

There are no direct scriptures on suitable or unsuitable foods for fasting or on the duration of a fast. In the Bible, fasting is most often associated with three attitudes of the heart. What stands out is that people fasted as part of their repentance of sin. When Jonah told the people of Nineveh that God was going to destroy his city because of his sins, they fasted (see Jonah 3:4-10). A second reason for fasting may be seek God’s guidance. Consider the example of our Lord Jesus, who fasted for 40 days in the desert (see Luke 4:2). Saul (before he became the apostle Paul) also fasted when he became blind on his journey to Damascus (Acts 9:9). Finally, fasting was used as a expression of mercy. The prophetess Anna fasted frequently (Luke 2:37) as part of her devotion to God. Cornelius, the first Gentile convert, fasted and prayed (Acts 10:30), and God honored him by sending the apostle Peter to proclaim the gospel to him.

Concluding with the examples from the Bible, fasting is a voluntary expression of the needs of the heart. So if you are struggling with very serious life and death issues, fasting can certainly help you. Specifically, fasting helps us tame our meat. Restricting food and drink can help you humble yourself before God and prepare your heart to accept His will over yours. The issue of honoring God’s will over our own is central to any fasting prayer request. Even our Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane prayed: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: but not as I want, but as you“. ;

God is a god of love (1 John 4:9). Take comfort because James 4:8 promises, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Clean your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

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