What happened to the apostles apostles on the day of Pentecost?

Where were the apostles gathered on the day of Pentecost?

The disciples, therefore, remained in Jerusalem waiting for the Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised them. When the day of Pentecost came, they were all gathered in one place.

What did the apostles do after the coming of the Holy Spirit?

What did the apostles do after feeling called? Answer: They acted with the power that only the spirit gives, they spoke the word of God without fear with courage and the manifestation of the spirit was such that there were miracles, healings and thousands of converts in each preaching.

When did the apostles receive the Holy Spirit?

The first version, and the best known, of the day the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, places the event on the day of Pentecost, that is, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus (the word “pentékonta”, in Greek, means “fifty”).

How was the Holy Spirit manifested at Pentecost?

At Pentecost the Holy Spirit is manifested to the apostles. … The book of the Acts of the Apostles expresses the astonishment of those who witnessed the event of Pentecost: “The people gathered and were filled with astonishment when they heard each one speak in his own language. Shocked and amazed.”

Where was the day of Pentecost?

The origin of Pentecost is based on a Jewish festival called Shavuot, which celebrates the 50 days that have elapsed after the appearance of God on Mount Sinai. During Pentecost Sunday, the Jews commemorate the giving of the commandments to the people of Israel.

What did the apostles do?

In the Church, the office of Apostle has the particular, but not limiting, function of being a “special witness” of Christ before the world. Upon the death of one of the apostles, the organization is updated with the call of another to maintain the Quorum of Twelve, as Jesus Christ has established.

How many were those who were in the cenacle awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit?

And having entered the Cenacle, they went up to the place where Pedro and Juan, Diego and Andrés, Felipe and Tomás, Bartolomé and Mateo, Jacobo de Alfeo, Simon the caretaker and Judas de Diego used to be.

How did the Holy Spirit descend on the apostles?

1 On the first Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire on the disciples of Jesus. … Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost as in the form of tongues of fire.

What was the name of the place where they received the Holy Spirit?

The Church in Samaria

Peter and John had come to Samaria, where there was a group of Christians baptized in water in the name of Jesus, but who had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit. For this reason, Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

How does the Holy Spirit appear to the disciples?

Tongues of fire appeared and descended on each of the disciples and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them to speak. There was a very big reason why the Holy Spirit acted with them in this way.

How is the Holy Spirit manifested in the life of the believer?

The Holy Spirit is usually represented with a white dove that represents purity, other representations are fire (symbolizes transforming energy), water (symbolizes its action in baptism) or wind (symbolizes that we cannot see it).

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