What does the word wormwood mean according to the Bible?

What does the name of the star wormwood mean?

As the third angel sounds his trumpet, a star will fall from heaven into the waters, he affirms, and the prophet-vate gives it the name of ἄψινθος or wormwood simply because it means “bitterness” and the star will make the waters undrinkable. and bitter to men.

What does wormwood mean in Revelation?

Why precisely does the author of the Apocalypse use wormwood? Because in the Jewish tradition, reflected in the Old Testament, wormwood was believed to be a poisonous plant, which mixed with water became pure poison.

How big is the star wormwood?

130 meters in diameter

Already in 2009 this system visualized the space object and made an estimate of its dimensions. He established that it measures around 130 meters in diameter, so that on the day of the impact it could cause an explosion similar to that of 230 kilotons of dynamite.

What part of the wormwood is used?

Part used: the leaves and flowering tops. Properties and indications: the use of wormwood as a medicinal plant is free from the disastrous effects of the liquors that are produced with it; among other things, because its strong bitter taste makes it unsuitable for abundant consumption.

What is another name for the mugwort plant?

Vernacular names: altamisa, artemisa, feverfew, tansy, santa maria herb (Mexico). … It is not to be confused with other camomile-type plants that also have divided leaves and more or less large flowers; the stem of mugwort is erect, while that of chamomile is procumbent.

What does wormwood mean spiritually?

For this reason, the term wormwood is observed in the bible in the book Revelation 8:11, to name a star that falls from heaven burning like a torch, over rivers and springs, causing the death of numerous men by transforming the waters into bitter in order to punish sinners.

What effects does wormwood have?

The therapeutic activity of this plant lies mainly in its essential oil, which has choleretic, anthelmintic, antibacterial action, as well as an emmenagogue, vermifuge and promoter of digestive functions.

What happens if I drink too much and give you absinthe?

The consequences are inflammation and hardening of the stomach, belching and flatulence. The reason for all these discomforts is because the digested food is fermented in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

How is wormwood prepared for parasites?

To consume wormwood you just have to crush the dry plant into a powder and take 1 gram a day sweetened with a little honey. Or if you prefer, you can dissolve 3 drops of essential oil in a glass of water or take it in pill form. It can be purchased at any herbalist.

How is wormwood prepared to eliminate parasites?

Dosage of infusions of Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) The leaves of the plant are placed in a container with a lid and hot water is poured over the herb. It is left to infuse for 10 minutes and is then filtered into a cup through a sieve (figure 13) (Penélope, 2001).

What does boldo cure?

Boldo (Peamus boldus) is a very effective medicinal plant for reducing abdominal pain and swelling, indigestion and gas, so its consumption is highly recommended in order to combat the ravages of Christmas excesses. Due to its high alkaloid content, boldo also protects the liver.

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