What Does the Bible Teach Us? | 7 Great Biblical Teachings

Here you can learn what does the bible teach us. The Bible is a wonderful book and worth studying for a lifetime. I have compiled 7 life lessons from the scriptures. Certainly we could see many more, but what I have tried to do is give an overview of some of the concepts that are stressed over and over again in God’s word.

What does the Bible teach us?

Many would agree that the main message of the bible is that we must love, even our enemies. That we need to forgive others for what they have done to us. And, very important, that we must worship only one God.

All these messages come mainly from the new testament, and are the words of jesus christ, the God in the body of a man. These words are very important points in the investigation of what the Bible teaches us. However, there are many more messages, some of which we describe below:

1. Do the right thing

When beginning to search about what the Bible teaches us, one of the main issues that we must take into account is obedience to God. We are familiar with the 10 Commandments and that is a good place to start, but it is certainly not all that the Bible has to say about loving God and our neighbor.

In the Old Testament we are taught the “letter of the law” and how we are to obey God’s commandments. But Jesus taught us in the New Testament that the “spirit” is just as important (Matthew 5:21-48).

A good Old Testament story that illustrates obedience to God is the story of the . He certainly had his share of hard times and sticky situations to deal with, but he was guided by the simple principle of obeying God and doing right by those around him. His story is found in the chapters of the Genesis 37 to 50.

2. Submit to authority

When we think about what the Bible teaches us, we can consider many people in the Bible who were imprisoned or sentenced to death. But what’s interesting is that many of the stories of people dealing with authority issues show us that these men and women were still submissive to it, even when they found they couldn’t obey it.

submission and obedience: what is the difference? Sometimes we find that we cannot obey what the authority asks us to do. It may be that the authority has asked you to do something against God’s law. Meshach, Sadrac, and Abed-negotiation are very good examples of this.

The king told them that they should bow down to a statue and worship that image. Knowing God’s Law, these three Jewish youths refused to obey authority, yet they were still submissive. They accepted the punishment that the king and his government imposed on them.

In romans 13:1-6 we are told to submit to authority. and Peter in Acts 5:29 it tells us that he knew it was right to obey God rather than man’s laws that went against God.

There is no conflict in these two passages. We should obey the laws of God instead of the laws of man; however, we should also be willing to submit to the punishment and the consequences that may arise as a result.

The vast majority of the time there is no conflict between submission and obedience. We just like to use examples of disobedience to authority in the Bible as an excuse to do things our way.

3. Love others

In addition to submission to authority, Romans 13 teaches us a wonderful definition of love. Love means doing the right thing for others. Love isn’t always easy or convenient, but it’s always right. And between the things the bible teaches usthis is the most important, since love is the basis of everything else.

4. Be humble

By continuing to search for what the Bible teaches us, we can notice that humility plays a very important role among the lessons that our Lord wants to give us. God is touched by our humility. 2 Chronicles 7:14 It says that if we humble ourselves before God, confessing and forsaking our sins, He will hear and forgive our sins.

Without this humility, we would still be in our sins. I remember a story in the Bible. If you haven’t read , you should take some time to study the character named Haman. A quick summary of Haman is that his pride caused the wrath of God to fall on him.

5. Be wise with money

People often misquote 1 Timothy 6:10 thinking that it says that money is the root of all evil. What the verse is really saying is that the love of money is the problem. Money often becomes an idol. People begin to worship money and seek it more than God.

Certainly, money is necessary to live in this world. Although we haven’t always had paper money like we do today, there has always been a way to buy and sell, whether it be through trading other goods or various representations of wealth.

The Bible has a surprisingly large number of verses about money, especially in the book of Proverbs. Although we must not covet it, we must be wise in the way we handle it.

And no, it is not a requirement to be poor to be a good Christian. read all 1 Timothy 6 so you can see a great teaching about money and wealth. Paul does not condemn the rich in verse 17. Rather, he encourages them to trust in the Lord, not in his riches. He then says in that verse that God gives us things to enjoy.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying good things. The problem comes from thinking that things will make us happy. The point of the passage is that we should be godly (do what is right) and content (satisfied with what God has given us). We see that clearly established in verses 6 through 11 of that chapter.

6. Planting and harvesting

Another important point about what the Bible teaches us is the issue of planting and harvesting. The scriptures teach that in various ways. In the Old Testament we are told in Numbers 32:23 that our sins will make themselves known and catch up with us. . In the New Testament, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Y Galatians 6-9 They tell us about the principle of sowing and reaping.

A great way to hear this Biblical principle taught is that we reap what we sow (of the same kind), we reap in proportion to how much we sow, and we do not reap more than we sow.

This means that if we sow well, we reap good things. If we sow evil, we reap bad things. So if you sow too little, you will reap proportionately very little. If you sow a grain of corn, you reap a stalk with many ears.

But if you plant a whole row of corn, you will reap many more stalks with many ears and thousands of kernels. Finally, you reap later than you sow. Harvest time comes in the future. Will your harvest be good or bad?

7. Handle conflict well

the bible teaches us to live in peace with those around us (Romans 12:18, 19). Matthew 18 is the classic passage on conflict management. The first thing you should do is personally address the person who has done something wrong towards you and try to resolve the conflict individually.

The progression is to keep the problem as private as possible. Only escalate the conflict when you can’t resolve it in private. Don’t go around turning your private matter into a public news item.

These seven lessons are a compilation of some of the most important things the bible teaches us. I hope you liked them, and that they are very useful to you in your life as a . It is vital that you internalize these teachings, and continue studying the Bible so that you have a better relationship with God.

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