What does it mean to dream that your teeth fall out or that they are broken?

Everyone has had a nightmare at some point in their life. It is incredible to think that although dreams are very particular issues that have references to everyday life and the unconscious of each person, there are some dreams and nightmares that are recurrent in many people.

There are many disciplines that try to decipher the messages that dreams provide, since if many people in the world are dreaming that, for example, they fall into the void, it is because some relationship in the meaning must exist.

Since ancient times, the esoteric arts as well as religion have been disciplines that have delved into elucidating the meaning of dreams, part of these beliefs or interpretations have been rooted in the popular tradition of many countries.

Currently, disciplines such as neuroscience and psychology address the interpretation of dreams from their respective perspectives. Know below the meaning of dreaming that your teeth fall out, of dreaming of loose or rotten teeth.

Meaning of dreaming with teeth

Before explaining what it means to dream of broken teeth, we will review historical interpretations of religion and psychology of this type of dream.

  • Teeth in the Judeo-Christian tradition: For the Judeo-Christian religions, the teeth are the last obstacle to enter the man’s palace. They are the guardians of the threshold of the Word. Dreaming that teeth fall out symbolizes that there are words that can already be pronounced. Wise and safe words.

    In other words, for these religions, dreaming of teeth falling out, especially dreaming of knocked out teeth, is a symbol of spiritual maturation.

  • Teeth in Islam: In the symbology of Islam, the interpretation of dreams with teeth is present. For Islam, dreaming of falling teeth is related to a premonitory question. It is believed that this dream heralds the death of a close person or the departure of a loved one to distant places.
  • Freudian interpretation: For Sigmund Freud, dreaming of loose or falling teeth is related to repression in sexuality. Freud also associated this dream with the fear of change and well-being. According to this view, these are dreams that usually appear in moments of life transition such as love breakups, duels and removals.
  • Jungian interpretation: For Carl Jung, dreaming that your teeth fall out is a clear sign related to a change or renewal. Dreaming of tooth loss is understood as a need for protection against a necessary personal evolution.

Now that you have known what it means to dream that your teeth fall out for different approaches, expand your knowledge with the following more detailed interpretations.

dream of rotten teeth

Dreaming of rotten or blackened teeth is directly related to self-esteem. It is likely that you are going through a time where you feel listless, frustrated or with very low self-esteem.

Pay attention to this dream, it is possible that if you take it into account, you can begin to take measures to improve your mood.

Dream of front teeth falling out

When you dream that your front teeth fall out, it is related to insecurity before others. The front teeth are what people show when they talk and smile.

Dreaming that they fall off reflects that you may be afraid of a situation in which you must expose yourself, or consequently you have felt overexposed in a situation in which you have felt ashamed or uncomfortable and later you had this dream.

Dream that your teeth break into pieces

It is usually a rather distressing dream, closer to a nightmare. To dream that your teeth break and you cannot do something about it speaks of your fear of action. It is possible that there is something that you want to undertake or that you have pending and your fear of losing it or simply going wrong is blocking your need to do what you feel.

Dream of fallen teeth

Dreaming of fallen teeth, even if it seems like a bad sign, rather it represents the overcoming of a process that has taken time.
It can be said that it is a dream that is symbolizing the end of a cycle to give rise to the new.

Dream that your teeth fall out

Dreaming of tooth loss may be indicating instability of some kind. Emotional, family, economic for example. Molars are teeth with firm roots that help process everything that is ingested. Dreaming that a tooth falls out may indicate that you feel exposed to a situation that you do not know how to process.

dream of loose teeth

Loose teeth are related to a need for change. There is an urgent need to transcend or renew some aspect of your life, but that is not happening. It becomes obvious but it doesn’t happen. Analyze what areas of your life are undergoing changes or would need a change that means personal growth.

Dream of someone else’s teeth falling out

It can also happen that you dream of another person losing their teeth. This may indicate something in relation to your thoughts to that person. For example, dreaming that a person’s upper teeth fall out is related to the way in which that person is exposed to the world. Dreaming that those teeth fall out may be manifesting the fall of idealization, the end of the concept we had of that person.

Dreaming that other people’s bottom teeth fall out may arise from your own need to want to help another certain person but you are not finding a way to do it.

More dream interpretations

If you like to interpret dreams and you liked the information you have found here, I share other meanings so that you understand more about what your dreams symbolize:

  • Dream with water: discover what it means to dream of all the stages and forms in which water can appear and discover its relationship with emotions.
  • Dream with dead: It is a very common dream. You can dream of known dead, unknown, who speak or not. Learn what each of those dreams means.
  • dream of cats: Cats have been very important since ancient times for the interpretation of dreams, especially in premonitory matters. Learn more about dreams with cats and their meaning.

Have you dreamed of tooth loss?

Yes. On more than one occasion.


Yes. I’ve dreamed it once


No. I have never dreamed of tooth loss.


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