What does it mean to dream of washing clothes?

If you like to interpret your dreams and want to discover what messages the subconscious sends you, in this article you will learn what it means to dream of washing clothes or dream of clothes in different forms.

Discover how to interpret the messages of your mind through your dreams and take advantage of them to learn more about yourself.

Dream meaning of washing clothes

When clothing appears in dreams, it usually symbolizes the image that people project of themselves, outwardly. The way of dressing says much more about people than what is believed.

That is why if you dream of clothes in different ways, it is a dream that is related to the perception that you think others have of you, or what you yourself think about your image and projection towards others.

Learn below what it means to dream of washing clothes in different cases:

Dirty clothes

Dreaming of washing dirty clothes is related to the feeling of guilt. Possibly you are going through a time where you feel guilty, or you have done something that you regret and you do not know how to remedy it.

Dirty clothes speak of your need to clear your name, to make amends for some situation that you have caused or at least feel that you have caused. It’s a good sign to ask yourself a question: “what do I really want to be?

This question can mean a variety of things, but in this case it refers to the kind of person you want to be. A good, humble, sincere person, who makes mistakes, or an arrogant, proud, intolerant person who lives with guilt.

hanging clothes

Dreaming of hanging clothes is a dream that usually speaks of a moment of introspection or reflection. Hanging clothes is a job done, a task accomplished.

Dreaming of hanging clothes is related to inner meditation, with the visualization of what has been done. If you have this dream, you may be going through a time of transition, or you need to make a decision.

Wet clothes

In ancient times this dream was a bad omen. Today beliefs have changed a bit and it is believed that dreaming of wet clothes speaks rather of going through some situation that needs to be finished.

Something that needs to be cleaned, renewed but that is in full process and still needs to be finished.

other people’s clothes

Dreaming of washing someone else’s clothes is a sign of tiredness. You may be a person who gives a lot to others. Always helpful, always with an ear ready to listen to any problem of your friends.

Perhaps this dream tells you that it is time to start dedicating time to yourself. Stop washing what belongs to others to start washing your own and polish it to be better.

Clean clothes

Dreaming of clean clothes speaks of dreams, projects and goals fulfilled or about to be fulfilled. Talk about discipline and constant work that you are doing.

This dream cannot precisely speak of material goals, it also speaks of inner, emotional work. It is a dream that you have when you are in a good emotional moment.

More dream interpretations

If you have been interested in this article, below I share more interpretations of dreams so that you know the messages they have for you:

  • Dreaming of cats: Since ancient times the cat has been loaded with dream symbolism. Find out here what are the esoteric and psychological meanings of dreaming about these beautiful animals.
  • dream of fish Find out here what it means to dream of fish for different cultures and discover the omens that this dream can bring you and what fish symbolize for psychology
  • Dream with water: learn all the meanings of dreaming with different forms of water. Dirty water, clean water, running water, stagnant water and many more.

Have you dreamed of washing clothes?

Yes. On more than one occasion.


No. I have never dreamed of washing clothes


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