What does 21 mean (spiritual message and symbolism) –

Do you want to know what 21 means? Here you will find the spiritual message of angel number 21, and other important data to understand its meaning for your personal situation.

Spiritual message:

Angel number 21 suggests that there may be some new opportunities or directions to take that will take you in new and exciting directions.

Trust that your angels will be by your side during these changes and transitions, and will guide you every step of the way. They encourage you to remain calm, balanced and happy, and you will find that everything will work out for your greatest good.

Angel number 21 is a message from your angels for you to become aware of your thoughts as they manifest your ideas and beliefs into reality. Angel number 21 encourages you to be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude regarding the current changes and/or circumstances in your life, as this will help manifest the desired results.

Angel number 21 asks you to maintain your faith and positive expectations about all aspects of your life. Use positive affirmations to strengthen your resolve and stay connected to the angelic realm.

Pay attention…

Angel number 21 is a sign from your angels of advancement and success. The number 21 is all about unity, fulfillment and happiness.

When you see the number 21 appear in your experience, it is an auspicious sign from your angels that you are about to manifest your desires on a large scale.

There are many ways you can see angel number 21 appear in your daily experience.

It could appear on a date, monetary transactions, on license plates and even as the number of messages on your phone.

Seeing the number 21 in your daily life could be a sign from your angels to trust them and keep your thoughts positive. With this you will be able to manifest your desires in all aspects of your life.

Vibratory essence of number 21

The number 21 derives its meaning from combining the two individual digits of which it is made. The vibrational essence of number 2 resonates with qualities such as duality, cooperation and diplomacy.

Number 2 is the number of selflessness and association and is about managing relationships.

Number 1, on the other hand, is the number that resonates with leadership qualities such as originality, independence, and achievement.

Number 1 is the number of positivity, optimism and mastery over the material circumstances of life.

The combination of these numbers can bring several possible meanings.

When 2 and 1 come together, it could indicate unity and togetherness, or important relationships, whether personal or professional, from which you derive a sense of meaning and purpose.

Keep your thoughts positive and your heart open to the guidance of your angels, and your life will reflect the energy and versatility associated with 2 and 1.

Angel number 21 and creative manifestation

Another way to view the number 21 is as an expression of the root number 3. We arrive at the root number 3 by adding the individual digits that make up 21 (2 + 1 = 3).

Root number 3 resonates with the vibration of creativity and completion.

Seeing angel number 21 is an indication from your angels that you are capable of creating and manifesting results at a high level.

Angel number 21 may also be an indication that your life is headed in new and positive directions related to teamwork or creative collaboration of some kind.

Whether this creative collaboration is in your personal or professional life, it is sure to be rewarding and fulfilling, bringing you and your partner great happiness.

Have you been asking for guidance or praying for a sign? Your prayers and thoughts are heard, always. The Universe always responds to you, every time, without exception.

Open your heart and let those messages come to you. Decode the signs and let yourself be guided by the Universe.

Other symbolisms of angel number 21

Now you are seeing the number 21 everywhere and you are probably wondering what message the angels are sending you.

Continue reading to discover the possible meanings of why you keep seeing angel number 21.


Do you often rely on your friends and family and wait for them to solve your problems? If so, then this is why you’ve been seeing 21 lately.

This number is a symbol of independence, the angels are telling you that you should start trusting yourself, start being independent. Sooner or later you will discover that the only person responsible for your actions and who can solve your problems is you!

You can find out in a good or bad way, either when your friends can no longer solve your problems or you can realize this earlier and start taking full responsibility for your life.

This way, you won’t compromise the relationship you have with your friends. Yes, your family and friends will be there for you and help you, but when that is not possible, you will have to be able to handle problems yourself.


One possible meaning of why you are seeing angel number 21 is related to your love relationship. Number 21 is a warning from the divine to start paying more attention to your partner’s feelings.

Being in a relationship is sharing and living together, experiencing life with someone you love. Being in a relationship also means that you include each other in your plans. You care about what your partner feels and thinks.

The angels want you to remember the reasons why you started the relationship and to keep in mind that now it is no longer about “me”, it is about “us”. Make plans together and decide what is best for both of you.

Relationships are not easy but they are beautiful and challenging. Sometimes you have to make compromises so that you are happy and satisfied in the relationship.

Cheer up

We all need encouragement and support as we face setbacks, as we achieve our goals, or simply in everyday activities. Angel number 21 is talking about support and encouragement in a relationship.

Loving your partner is more than just feeling joy, it’s about supporting each other, encouraging each other when times get tough. Pushing themselves to become the best version of themselves is an expression of love.

We all want to have this type of relationship, where we are evolving into the person we are meant to be, along with our partner. This is the message that the angels want you to receive.

Communicate with your partner and take your relationship to the next level, from great to extraordinary!

Final words

The angels have answered you and now it is your responsibility to follow their guidance. You know your struggles and desires best, take the messages that are appropriate for your situation.

Each person is different and unique. Each person has different experiences based on their own beliefs about the world. Open your eyes and your heart and let yourself be guided by the divine.

Embrace the abundance and support they are giving you!

Click here to learn more about angelic numerology

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