What are the sentences with personal pronouns?

What are the pronouns in the sentences?

Pronouns are words or parts of words that can stand for nouns.

Sentences with personal pronouns

  • I have many friends.
  • You’re smart.
  • Are you his cousin?
  • Tell us if you need anything.
  • I doubt that he lies to you.
  • He has other possibilities.
  • She begins to doubt.
  • He was talking to himself.

Which are the personal pronouns?

Examples of personal pronounsPersonaSingularPluralFirstI, me, me, with meWe, us, weSecondYou, you, you, with you, you, youYou, you, you, youThirdHe, I, I, I know, yes, I get, she, it, itThey, they , the, the, them, it, yes, I getЕщё 1 строка

What are the singular and plural personal pronouns and examples?

The informal plural form you/vosotras and the formal plural form you are used the same as you.

person singularplural 1st and we, we 2nd you you, you 3rd he, she, you, it they, they, you

What is personal pronoun and example?

Personal pronouns are words used in speech to refer to nouns without naming them, based on their grammatical person. For example: Juan and Ana went on vacation. / They went on vacation.

What are pronouns and examples?

They are words that are used to refer to people, animals or things without naming them (I, you, he, we, that, that), being in this way possible; replace the noun, define or vary the number, gender and even person in a sentence. For example; Fernando studies advertising.

How to conjugate verbs with personal pronouns?

To conjugate a verb in Spanish, you will first need to be familiar with the different subject pronouns in this language, which are:

  1. Me.
  2. You — (family singular)
  3. You — (formal singular)
  4. He she.
  5. We.
  6. You — (family plural)
  7. You — (formal plural)
  8. They.

What are the types of pronouns there are?

  • Personal pronouns.
  • Relative Pronouns.
  • numeral pronouns.
  • Interrogative and exclamatory pronouns.
  • Indefinite pronouns.
  • Reflexive pronouns used with expressive value.
  • partitive pronouns.
  • See also.

What is the difference between you and you?

Thinking differently from/from you is valid, since you is the second person personal pronoun that is used after the preposition. It is not correct to use tú, for example: *Think differently from/from you. Thinking differently than you is also correct.

What are the 7 personal pronouns?

Example of personal pronouns:

  • Personal: I, You, He, We, You and They (with their feminine).
  • Possessives: mine, yours, theirs (with their feminine and plural)
  • Demonstratives: this, that, that (with their feminine and plural)
  • Indefinite: someone, nobody, anyone.
  • Relative: what, which, who, whose, when.
  • Interrogatives: who?

How is the pronoun identified?


  1. Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they…
  2. Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, that…
  3. Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, theirs, ours, yours, theirs, etc.
  4. Indefinite pronouns: some, many, none, etc.
  5. Numeral pronouns: one, two, three, first, second, middle…

How do you say you and her or she and you?

*Almost all verbs ending in -er and -ir make the 3rd person plural in -ieron; say and some other verbs ending in -cir make it -eron. (I) (you) (he, she, you) (we) (vosotros) (them, them, you) -e -iste -o -imos -isteis -ieron Terminations: I had, I had I came, I came …

How do you know if it’s first, second, or third person?

The first is the one that speaks; the second, to whom one speaks, the third, of whom one speaks. First person pronoun. Singular: I, my, me, with me; Plural; us and us, us and us. He puts me in my place; example: his misfortune saddens me or saddens me.

What is first second and third person examples?

For example: “Mildred brought lunch” / “She brought lunch.” In personal pronouns, the first person refers to the sender of the message; the second person refers to the receiver and the third person refers to what is being talked about. For example: “I warned you: he can’t be trusted.”

What personal pronoun is used in an autobiography?

The personal pronoun “I” is used so that, in this way, we demonstrate that in an autobiography the first grammatical person is used.

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