What are juxtaposed sentences and 10 examples?

What is a juxtaposed sentence and 5 examples?

Juxtaposed sentences are a type of compound sentences that are characterized by having two clauses (or propositions) separated by a comma ( , ), a colon ( : ) or a semicolon ( ; ). For example: The band is playing, we can stay a while longer.

Which sentences juxtapose?

Juxtaposed sentences, therefore, are those whose propositions share a syntactic value but are not linked or joined, but rather appear after each other. … The expression “It’s late; Let’s go home” is a juxtaposed sentence made up of two parts (“It’s late” and “Let’s go home”).

How to know if a sentence is juxtaposed?

Juxtaposed sentences are known as those propositions that meet two characteristics: 1. They are not joined by any link, but only by punctuation marks that indicate that there is a pause between them (the comma, the semicolon, the colon) .

What are juxtaposed sentences?

1. adj. Placed next to something or in immediate position to something.

What is a simple sentence 10 examples?

simple sentence examples

  • My grandmother cooked me noodles with stew.
  • The sun will rise at 6:30 in the morning.
  • Damian cut his hair.
  • My aunt went to the supermarket in the car.
  • I bought a new bike.
  • I have an appointment with the dentist at 6:00 p.m.
  • Tomorrow we have the camp.
  • The mayor was re-elected yesterday.

How do you make a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and followed by a conjunction. The words and, but, or, and then are conjunctions. Two simple sentences that are juxtaposed but without using a comma and a conjunction are called juxtaposed sentences.

What is a compound sentence and 5 examples?

Compound sentences are those that have more than one verb conjugated to different subjects. For example: My friend was late and her parents got angry. The suboraciones, also called propositions, have syntactic coherence in itself: (My friend was late) (her parents got angry).

What are the example sentences?

Simple sentences are those that contain a single verb or verbal periphrasis and, therefore, a single predicate. A sentence like Juan has a chicken dinner with potatoes is simple because it only has one verb (dinner) and one predicate (chicken dinner with potatoes), since the verb is always the nucleus of the predicate.

What are compound sentences?

The compound sentence is one that has more than one verb or verbal expression and therefore two or more simple sentences, each with a different predicate. In the following sentence there are two subjects and two predicates: My mother writes letters and I read them aloud. Links may vary.

What are the juxtaposed coordinate and subordinate clauses?

What are coordinated subordinate and juxtaposed clauses? A coordinated sentence is that complex sentence in which we find two or more propositions, united by a coordinating link, which remain at the same syntactic level, without some being subordinate to others.

What is subordination and examples?

Subordination is a term of Latin origin that refers to the relationship of dependency between one element and another. There are different types of subordination or subjection to something, for example: commanding, dominating or ordering someone. The domination implicit in subordination can be formal or symbolic.

How to know if a sentence is coordinated?

Coordinated sentences are made up of two sentences joined by a link (conjunctions). If the link is removed, two independent sentences remain. In coordinated sentences, a link is a conjunction or a word that joins or serves as a link between words or simple sentences.

How to know if it is coordinated or subordinated?

Coordination: Linking sentences by links called coordinates, indicate the relationship between the sentences. … The subordination: This relationship that links complementary clauses to a main one, in them, the subordinate clause needs the main one to make sense, it is a part of it.

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