VELO – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Gen 24:65 she then took the v, and covered herself
Gen 38:14 he covered himself with a v, and wrapped himself up, and
Exo 26:31 you will also make a v of blue, purple
Exo 34:33 Moses .. put a v on his face
Lev 16:2 do not .. enter the sanctuary behind the v
Matt 27:51; Tue 15:38; Luk 23:45 the v of the temple was torn in two
2Co 3:14, 15 when they read .. it remains the same v
Heb 6:19 soul, and that penetrates even into the v
Heb 9:3 after the second v was the part of the
Heb 10:20 that he opened to us through the v, this is


Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

Fabric to hide or protect the face.

– Rebekah, Gen 24:65.

– Tamar, Gen 38:14.

– Moses, Exo 34:33.

– Women in church, to cover themselves with a veil, out of respect for the angels, 1Co 11:4-16.

– In the tabernacle and the Temple, a beautiful veil separated the Holy place from the Most Holy, Exo 26:31-37. Christ tore that “veil”, 2Co 3:14-15, Heb 9:3, Heb 10:20.

Christian Bible Dictionary
Dr. J. Dominguez

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

†¢Clothes. Dress.

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary


see, HEAD

vet, In addition to the allusions to the veils worn by women (a custom widespread in the East) and the biblical instruction for women to cover their heads in prayer (see HEAD), the veil is used symbolically in the Scriptures of that which hide the glory of God. So it was literally when Moses came down from the mount; his face shone because of the glory he had seen, and the people could not bear this glare; therefore, he covered his face with a veil. This veil remains over the hearts of Jews today when they read the Law (Ex. 34:33-35; cf. 2 Cor. 3:15). They cannot see the glory of which the Law gave the type; but in due time God will remove the veil, and they will see Christ under the shadows of the Law, and then they will receive Him whom they now reject. In contrast to that ministry, in which the glory had to be veiled due to Israel’s inability to behold it, Christians can now behold the glory of the Lord, whose face is unveiled, and be changed into the same image of glory in glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:13-18).

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary


Source: Dictionary of the Bible

1. katapetasma (katapevtasma, 2665), lit., that which is extended (petannumi) before (kata), hence a veil. It is used: (a) of the inner veil of the tabernacle (Heb 6:19; 9.3); (b) of the corresponding veil in the temple (Mat 27:51; Mc 15.38; Luk 23:45); (c) metaphorically of the “flesh” of Christ (Heb 10:20), that is, his body which he gave up to be crucified, thus providing, through his atoning death, a means of spiritual access for believers , the “new and living way”, before the presence of God.¶ 2. kalumma (kavlumma, 2571), covered. It is used: (a) of the veil that Moses put over his face as he descended from Mount Sinai, thus preventing Israel from beholding the glory (2Co 3:13); (b) metaphorically, of the spiritually darkened vision retributively suffered by Israel, until the conversion of the nation to their Messiah takes place (vv. 14,15,16). See additional considerations under DISCOVER, B, No. 1. 3. peribolaion (peribovlaion, 4018), lit. denoting, something thrown around (peri, around; balo, to throw); hence, a covering, veil (1Co 11:15), or a cloak around the body, clothed (Heb 1:12). See CLOTHING.¶ Note: For additional considerations on the veil issue in 1Co 11:1-16, see COVERING, NO. 3, UNCOVERED, A, NO. 1.

Source: Vine New Testament Dictionary

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