The face of Christ – Biblical Meaning

Dr. A Rosenow, a man who dedicated his life to medical research, was asked what brought him to this as his life’s task, and he narrated this story. He grew up on an isolated farm in the

Northern Wisconsin, and as a child he had an unforgettable experience

when his brother became seriously ill. He was sent for the nearest doctor, and when he got home,

Dr. Rosenow, then just a boy, followed the doctor into his brother’s room and hid behind a sofa to watch. What he saw determined his career. The doctor poured medicine

to give to the patient, then turned and told his

parents: “Don’t be afraid, he’s going to be fine. The light

that entered the faces of their parents was wonderful to behold,

and so deeply impressed him that at that time and place the boy

behind the sofa determined that he would do something that

it would make light appear on people’s faces.

We cannot begin to measure the powerful influence of

bright faces in history. Longfellow said of one:

the light on his face

Shine from the windows of another world.

Only saints have those faces.

When Adoniram Judson, the great missionary, was home on leave, he passed through Stonington, Conn. Where a young boy saw his face shine with the love of Christ. The

was so deeply impressed that one of the chapters in the book

he wrote when he became a pastor was titled “What a

child In the Face of Adoniram Judson.” This guy

he became Dr. Henry Clay Trumbull, a great soul winner. Now

you may not know Dr. Trumbull or Dr. Rosenow, or the

millions of people whose lives have been changed by seeing

faces, but you all know the man in this third illustration of

the powerful influence of a glowing face.

He was not a child like the other two, but a grown man

that he had already determined his profession. he was busy

on duties that would make his face bitter and fearful. By his own confession he says that he was full of rage when

suddenly at noon he saw a light from heaven, brighter

than the sun, and with that vision he changed his entire character and career. Paul had seen the light, not just a light,

but the light, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in

the face of Jesus Christ. Even though he was

persecuting Christ, the face he saw was not a face of anger

like his, but a face of mercy and forgiveness, and of

That time Paul followed only the light that came from the face of his Savior


To behold the face of Christ, and to reflect the light of his countenance was the constant goal of the apostle Paul. He was not a

man with a thousand faces, but the man with only one face: the face of

Christ. He renounced all underhanded and cunning methods

and walked in the open light of the face of Christ.

Pablo could have written the words of the poet,

For this I fight, for this I pray,

For this I renounce everything else:

Be like my Master every day,

The Christian way begins on earth,

It reflects his face in mine.

Unknown author

In Margaret Deland’s story, Helina’s Awakening

Ritchie, a little boy looking at a picture of the baptism of Jesus

in which the artist had a face looking out from the clouds

He asked, “Is this a good photograph?” of God? Dr Lavendar,

the pastor said, “If he seems like a kind father, I think he’s a

good picture of God.” The Apostle Paul would say,

however, that the true authentic picture of God is the

Son of God, who is the express image of God. Jesus said:

“He who has seen me has seen the Father.” Paul tells the

Corinthians here in verse 6, that the source of our knowledge

of God, in all His glory and beauty, is in the face of Jesus

Christ. Back in the year 318 He establishes as a spiritual principle,

that only when we look with unveiled face the glory of the

Lord Jesus, we can be gradually changed, and be like

Him. Looking at the face of Jesus is not only poetry, it is a

essential and practical aspect of the Christian life, for those

who want to be like Christ in all their lives.

This means, of course, that the face of Christ is not His face.

literal, but the whole character and conduct of Jesus

as recorded in the Gospels. The face, however, is

most expressive part of the body of life and

emotions. If you want to know if a man is happy and cheerful, or

sour and angry, do not look at his hair, hands, back or feet,

but his face. Her face is the index of the heart and the mind.

When Shakespeare said, “Your face is so February, so

full of frost, storm, cloudiness” ; it is not difficult to guess

the state of mind to which it refers. As Lewis Evans said: “Your

face testifies, but you are inside. the eyes of the face

capture the light from outside, while the face itself is the organ through which

we express the light, or lack of it, within. Abraham

Coles wrote:

Conflicting passions push and displace,

And they tilt and rotate mostly in the face.

Unmatched for art, in this wondrous scroll,

He represented all the secrets of the soul.

This was true for Jesus, as it was for all men. Christ’s life

can be portrayed through a series of portraits showing

the expressions on his face. The album would start with

baby face of Jesus in the manger, and then would come the

studious face of childhood, when he debated with scholars

in the temple. Then comes her lovely happy face as she healed and taught. Then, on the mount of transfiguration, her face is shown as the Sun. Then comes her determined face

when He firmly set His face to go to Jerusalem to face

the cross. Then comes from her Her face of anguish and tears in the

Garden of Gethsemane. On the cross we see his disfigured face

by the crown of thorns, and finally His overcoming face

joyous manifested in the happy days that follow His

Resurrection. We can’t begin to look at the full album, but

we can focus our eyes on a couple of these images of the face

of Christ that should challenge us to seek more often for

meditate on Him until we literally see Him face to face. First

Let’s see-


All this emphasis by Paul on the glory in the face of Christ

implies a face of beauty and delicious joy. the middle ages

lost sight of this face of Christ. He was an age of ascetics. The men

they went to the monasteries where they fasted and separated

of normal human life. They forgot that

Jesus never did this. Artists began to depict Jesus alone

as He appeared in those last hours of His suffering. The only

text they could see to paint was Isaiah 53:3, “A

a man of sorrows, experienced in sorrow, and as one of

Whom men hide their faces, was despised, and we do not esteem him

. This was a real image of Christ in his suffering.

The deformed face of Christ was real, and for us who know

the love behind that dying face even contains beauty.

Christina Rossetti put it so well in poetry.

Is this the face that trembles in wonder,

Seraphim who veil his face above?

Is this the face without blemish,

The face that is the face of love?

Yes, this disfigured, – this lifeless clod,

The love of all creation has sufficed,

Has satisfied the love of God,

This face, the face of Jesus Christ.

Keep in mind that Jesus was the Lamb without blemish offered in

sacrifice, and so, though He was made ugly by the sin of the

man, He was in His own perfection the fairest of all

mens. We must never lose the image of his suffering face

but suppress all others with it, and impose this ghastly image

in all the life of Christ is a great

perversion. Some who have looked so long and often into the face of pain have concluded that Jesus never smiled or laughed. This unfounded tradition, with nothing but silence as its foundation, began as early as the fourth century, and is still

has its effects today, because it is very rare that Christians

Consider the lovely smiling face of Jesus. The evidence

for this portrait is abundant, although there is no

specific text that says that Jesus smiled, as it says that he wept.

Half of positive poet suggests that He could have smiled

when he blessed the little children. “A man on earth

He marveled once, all meek and blameless, and those who loved him

They said-He cried, none of them ever said he smiled. However, there might have been an unseen smile as she bowed her holy face to bless that happy child. This half defense

of the smiling face of Christ is a testimony of how

strongly men have been influenced by the sad face of Christ

on the cross. It is almost as if it were irreverent to think of

Christ as a person who enjoys life. He would be extremely

abnormal than a person with very little to be happy about

I will spend my whole life without a smile or a laugh. It is

inconceivable that He who came so that we might have

abundant life, do so. Unless we are convinced that joy,

laughter and smile are from the devil, rather than the gift of

God, we must accept the reality of His lovely face.

Just try to imagine Jesus as a special guest at the

wedding at Cana, where he added joy to the occasion

with His miracle of turning water into wine. You may

imagine it all the time without expressing a smile or emotion of

delight, but keeping His face as solemn as if He were fasting?

I can hardly conceive that Jesus was stuck with such a dead face even during the 40 days of fasting and temptation in the desert. Certainly someone who said so often to others in

time of trial: “Be of good cheer.” He must have had a spring of

joy in His own heart to fill His face with light, even while

He faced the ruler of darkness. Jesus was the light of the world,

and in Him there was no darkness at all.

Jesus told his disciples to keep their faces clean and to

look happy and healthy when they fasted. they shouldn’t

show a sad face for sympathy, or be praised for

be so sacrificially religious. This alone, without all its

words of joy and rejoicing, is proof positive that we reject

the face of the facts when we imagine Jesus with the face of a


ascetic. The very record of His crying shows that He was unique

and rare that He did because He was usually very

happy. Those who deny Christ the universal pleasure of

laughter and paint him as a perpetual man of sorrows have

an uncanny ability to jump to conclusions regardless

the facts. Jesus was not only a friend of children, but of

publicans and sinners. He was frequently at the banquet table

and I have never seen a banquet where the people were not

smiling and laughing.

The Pharisees asked Jesus why his disciples did not fast,

and Jesus answered in Matt. 9:15, “Can the wedding guests

mourn while the bridegroom is with them?” Jesus was

the leader of a group of deliciously…

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