Spell with candles to get a job

candles for work

In these times, finding a job can be a difficult task. Therefore, putting into practice certain rituals with candles can be useful to you. to do this candle spell to get a job you will only need candles of different colors, incense, and faith in what you are doing.

Candle color for work

Are you wondering what you need to perform a candle spell to get a job? Well, first you need to get:

  • an orange candle
  • a yellow candle
  • a sandalwood incense stick

Once you have all the necessary elements, you must know how to carry out said ritual.

How to do this ritual with candles for work

This ritual should be performed as follows:

  • if you are a womanfor 3 consecutive Mondays.
  • if you are a manfor 3 Thursdays in a row.
  • To do it light the candles and incense after 6 pm, for 1 hour.

If the candles have not been completely consumed, you can use the same on the corresponding days.

A suggestion: don’t blow out the candles. Use a teaspoon or candle snuffer for this. In this way you will have more chances that your wish will come true.

If you are interested in getting help through rituals and spells, you can find some, such as spells to attract money, ritual for work, health and love, ritual to attract money or magical protection ritual. you can even find protection in certain plants such as rue.

If you want all the positive forces of nature are in your favor to get a job, try this ritual. I hope it helps you!

Other spells to get a job

In addition to this ritual with candles to get a job, you can resort to other rituals, spells and prayers such as the ones you will find below:

  • Novena to San Judas Tadeo. When it comes to getting a job, candles are always the order of the day. Invoke San Judas Tadeo for 9 days and he will help you achieve it. If you want to know how you just have to follow the previous link.
  • Prayer to San Cayetano. The saint of work will not abandon you when you need to find urgent work. He mobilizes millions of people who, like you, come to his aid in search of a job. Trust and he will help you.
  • Spell to get the job of your dreams. Who doesn’t dream of a better job? For this, rituals, spells and spells can also be the solution. Try this one where neither candles nor rue are lacking.
  • To get promoted at work. On the other hand, if you already have a job but would like to get promoted, you can use this ritual to get it. You will only need one candle. All the better, if you yourself have made it.

Have you performed magic to get work?

Yes. On more than one occasion.


No. But I would like to try.


No. I’m not interested in trying.


What spell, ritual or incantation for work have you done?

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