SCORIA – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Psa 119:119 as and you caused to consume all the
Pro 25:4 remove the e from the silver, and a jewel will come out
Pro 26:23 like e of silver thrown on the pot
Isa 1:22 your silver has become e, your wine
Eze 22:18 house of Israel has become to me
1Co 4:13 we have become .. the e of the world

The wastes in the impure metals that are generally separated by melting them, when the slag rises and can be skimmed. It is used figuratively of what is useless (Psa 119:119; Isa 1:22, Isa 1:25; Eze 22:18-19).

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

perikatharma (perikavqarma, 4027) denotes waste, rubbish (lit.: “cleansings”; that is, that which was discarded when cleaning; from perikathairo, to purify everything around; that is, exhaustively, as in the LXX, Deu 18:10; Jos 5:4:¶) It is used once in the LXX (Pro 21:18) as the price of atonement. Among the Greeks this term was applied to victims sacrificed to make atonement. It also denoted criminals who were kept at public expense, to be thrown into the sea, or otherwise executed, when plagues broke out, etc. It is used rather in this sense in 1Co 4:13 (not of sacrificial victims): “the scum of the world”, representing “the most abject and despicable men” (Grimm-Thayer), the rubbish or dregs of mankind .A¶

Source: Vine New Testament Dictionary

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