Rue for luck: learn to use it in baths and amulets

The ruewithout a doubt, is one of the magical plants and herbs most powerful that exist and that has a meaning that perhaps others do not have. From its penetrating aroma you can already sense that this is not a plant like any other. And they are right: within esotericism, it is one of the most valued, since it is related to luck and prosperity.

What is rue used for as a magic herb?

The uses say that you have to plant rue at the entrance of the home to keep bad vibrations away from it. And it is that the esoteric use that has always been given to the rue is that of absorb energetic currents that can remove the tranquility of the house, facilitating prosperity and fortune, banishing envy.

For this reason, they often say that there is no need to worry when the rue plant begins to wilt: it means you are doing your job and it is simply indicating that it is time to go looking for a new one.

When evaluating certain conditions of the powers of rue, there are many positions in this regard, as is often the case in this environment. For example, some hold that, for best results, the rue plant should be planted by oneself. Others, on the other hand, believe that exchange it between friends or receive it as a gift It is the right way to make it “charged with positivity”.

How to use rue for luck

Rue can be used in many ways. Some already feel safe simply by having a rue plant at home. Others, on the other hand, prepare it as an infusion to later clean their habitat with the liquid and even use it in a rue soap. In the end, true or not, rue seems to be one of the favorite options when seeking prosperity and luck.


There are many spiritual cleansing baths, many of them are rue baths. It is generally combined with other magical herbs, such as rue and rosemary baths. You just have to boil the herbs in question (approximately 100 grams of each per 4 liters of water), then strain it. You must put it in the bathtub with very hot water and make sure to pass the water throughout the body.

but you will wonder what is rue used for in bathrooms, well, it is ideal to cleanse bad energies after a bad day or if you feel that you have been with negative people or contaminated spaces.

You can also try rue baths for love, you just have to prepare a bath combining rue with some herb related to this topic such as rosemary, which is widely used in baths for love.

Finally, if you want to make baths for good luck, rue will also help you as it attracts good energies, it is best to combine it with herbs with the same power such as cinnamon or mint.

But if you want to prepare very powerful spiritual cleansing baths, it is best to make a combination of several herbs such as rue, thyme, basil, geranium, parsley, laurel and others in a cleansing bath against bad waves.


If you want to remove negative energies from your home, the best option is to have a rue plant at home. You must take care of it and maintain it with a lot of love so that it gives good results. If you want to protect your inn even more, you can have several plants, but the most effective way is to have it at the door of your home.

There are a few tips that you must follow for this magical herb to be effective, it is best that you plant and water it, you should never transplant it if you are sad or depressed. Fortunately It is a plant that requires little care. and it is very resistant to all types of climates, but that is not why you should forget about it, always keep it in mind.


Another option is to prepare rituals with rue, there is a very simple one that never fails. You need a white candle, stems of rue, rose petals, a piece of cloth that you like, and rue essential oil. You must go to an open space, far from the city, light a candle and with it burn the rue stems. Store the remains inside the cloth with the rose petals and dig a well to store your ritual there. Once ready, pour a few drops of rue essential oil and also put a few drops on your forehead and wrists.


Another option is to prepare an amulet with rue. You need few ingredients and very simple to get like a plastic bottle, a brown cloth bag, a ticket and a golden bow… and of course stems of rue. Originally this amulet is thought to attract money but it is also very strong to attract luck and fortune in general. You can also carry branches in your pockets or underwear to attract good luck and ward off people with negative energy.

Other herbs to attract good luck

  • Cinnamon ritual. This powerful ingredient not only has a unique flavor but also attracts good omens. You can use it in baths or amulets, just like rue.
  • Peppermint ritual. This refreshing plant attracts positive energy, removes the curses of black magic and balances energies, among other magical powers. Dare to try it.
  • Parsley Ritual. If you want to clean your home, you can opt for a simple ritual that includes parsley, water and a transparent glass cup, nothing more and nothing less.

Do you have a rue plant in your home?

How do you use rue and what for?

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