Ritual with waning Moon to improve health

what is waning moon

The waning lunar phase is the one that precedes the full Moon. The Moon is said to “wane” when it begins to lose visibility. The sun begins to illuminate the lunar circumference less and less until it plunges into complete darkness, giving way to the new Moon phase, where the Moon is no longer visible in the sky.

What is the waning moon? The difference between the waxing moon phase and the waning moon phase is the shape that the moon has in the sky. When the moon wanes it begins to lose light and forms a kind of letter “D” in the sky. On the contrary, when the moon is waxing, it forms the drawing of a letter “C” in the sky.

The phases of the moon stimulate endless behaviors in nature and living beings. During the crescent phase, the Moon exerts a strong gravitational force on the Earth. During this phase blooms occur in plants, high tides in the oceans and vital energy in human beings is enhanced.

Symbolically, since ancient times, the Moon has always had endless interpretations in relation to the influence it exerted on people’s lives.

In the territory of white magic, there are spells and rituals that are performed during the most active phase of the Moon and others that are performed when it diminishes its influence on planet Earth.

Those spells whose objectives require a significant amount of energy are performed on the days of the full or waxing Moon. When it is necessary to carry out cleansing, purification and harmonization rituals, the waning lunar phase is chosen.

If you have any health problems, or if you usually suffer from low defenses and you no longer know what to do, this waning moon ritual is for you.

The waning Moon is the appropriate one to begin physical, psychological and emotional healing processes.

Ritual for health

You must perform the following ritual during the 7 days of the waning phase, during the night:

  • Light two white candles somewhere outside.
  • Smoke some rough macho weed and focus on your target.
  • Repeat the following invocation:
    “I call on the vital energy of you, beautiful waning Moon
    to assist me in my wakefulness and solve the health problems that afflict me.

    I receive your infinite energy and I appreciate the powers you grant me to face
    the adversities.

    I ask you to remove from my life all the negativity and the people who make me sick
    cleanse my aura and fill me with vitality. It’s done.”

  • Extinguish the candles and a little rue at the entrance of your home and a little near your pillow.

Tips to enhance the ritual

The following tips will help you improve the results of the ritual:

  • Obtain quartz crystals, charge them on the Crescent Moon and place them around the candles during the Waning Moon ritual.
  • Perform the ritual at the same time, at night. Preferably at 12 at night.
  • Do the ritual alone or only with the person you wish to heal.
  • Place the quartz crystals near the bed.

Other rituals for health

If you liked this ritual and want to know other magical rituals for health, I recommend that you follow the following. You can combine rituals to speed up the healing process.

  • Ritual with garlic: In addition to its great medicinal properties, garlic is used in all kinds of magic spells for endless purposes. Perform this ritual and you will be able to prevent any disease.
  • Ritual with eucalyptus: the elements that are most used in health rituals are those that also have great medicinal properties. In this case, the eucalyptus will cleanse you of any impurity and will help you raise your defenses with this ritual.
  • Candle ritual: It is called the ritual of the 7 powers and can be used to achieve various goals, including improving health and preventing disease.

More rituals with the moon and its phases

Now that you have learned what the phases of the moon are and what they mean, discover three powerful white magic spells for various purposes and harness the energy of the moon in your favor:

  • full moon spell for love: all love spells are usually performed on a full moon or crescent moon. Here you will find a ritual that will help you open new paths and transform negative energy into positive to attract what you really want on the plane of love.
  • Rituals for abundance: here you will find three full moon spells, very useful if what you want is to improve your luck in economic and material aspects.
  • Spell to fall in love: Get to know another spell with a crescent Moon that will enhance your energy of attraction so that the person you like so much feels attracted to you.

Do you believe that the moon has healing powers?

Yes. I think the moon has a lot of power to heal.


I do not know. This is the first time I’ve read about it.


No. I don’t think the moon has powers.


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