RATON – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

1Sa 6:5 of your r that destroy the earth

This rodent was considered an unclean animal (Lev 11:29). R was so well known. domestic (Mus musculus) and the field (Microtus guenthri). The latter did a lot of damage to crops and could become a real pest. When the Philistines captured the ark “the hand of Jehovah was against the city with a great destruction,” and a disease broke out in the men, who “were filled with tumors.” Deciding to return the ark, they sent as an offering †œfive gold tumors and five r. of gold† (1Sa 5:9-10; 1Sa 6:1-4). Some scholars think it was a pestilence caused by the microbe Pasteurella pestis, which causes swelling of the lymph glands. The R. they are transmitters of that microbe. An oracle of Isaiah condemns a pagan rite that was celebrated in gardens and in which they ate r. (Isaiah 66:17). Certain rodents are known to have been bred for this purpose. †¢Bible animals.

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary



vet, ruminant mammal, “Mus musculus”. The family of the “Muridae” has many species of mouse. unclean animal (Lev. 11:29); at the time of Isaiah, the Israelites given to paganism consumed it, despite the fact that it was prohibited by the Law of Moses (Is. 66:17). The field mouse (“Arvicola arvaris”) destroyed crops (1 Sam. 6:5). the heb. “’akbãr” is a collective term that encompasses not only the various species of the “Mus” genus, but also most of the “Muridae” and many animals from other families, with characteristics similar to the mouse. (See FAUNA OF THE BIBLE)

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

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