Prayer to Saint Lazarus for money, the poor, dogs and more

If you have urgent problems and do not know who to turn to, in this article you will learn the story of Saint Lazarus and his powerful prayers to ask for protection and ward off evil from your life.

who was lazarus

Lazarus is a biblical character who lived in Bethany, a town on the outskirts of Jerusalem. His adventures are related in the Gospel of John and the most important is that he was revived by Jesus.

The story goes that at the age of 30, Lazarus contracted leprosy and died. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent a message to Jesus telling him about Lazarus’ situation. When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had died 4 days ago and was buried.

Jesus approached the tomb and began to pray. At the end he got up and said “Lazarus, come outside” and Lazarus came out of his tomb. Later the friendship between Lázaro and Jesus grew.

Lazarus became a prophet and a Christian and his testimony caused a strong impact among the people. Lazarus later went to live in Cyprus and became the first bishop of the place. He dies at the age of 60.

In Cuba, the figure of San Lázaro is highly adored since, through syncretism, the population worships a Yoruba deity called Babalú Axé. The day of San Lázaro is celebrated on December 17 and a great pilgrimage is made to the National Sanctuary of San Lázaro, in the town of Rincon.

Images of San Lazaro

The image of San Lázaro is represented as a ragged beggar, with crutches and two dogs that lick the sores of leprosy that he suffered when he died. It is for this reason that this saint is also known as the patron saint of dogs and pets.

The best prayers to Saint Lazarus

Find out below the most popular prayers to Saint Lazarus for urgent requests and miracles. If you have any financial, health or bad luck problems, San Lázaro can help you.

Prayer to ward off evil

If you want to remove the negativity from your life, pray this prayer of Saint Lazarus for 3 nights in a row.

“Glorious Saint Lazarus,
effective and powerful patron of the poor,
valuable lawyer and defender of the needy,
today that I suffer so many misfortunes and burdens
I want to request your holy intercession;
for your closeness to the Lord,
I want that just by invoking your name,
and requesting the favor of your spirit,
Grant me what I most desire.

Blessed Saint Lazarus,
find a remedy for my ills
Just by saying this sentence:
“in the Name of Saint Lazarus,
may the good spirits help me
and come to my aid
when I suffer from something bad
or be in any danger.”

Glorious and dear Saint Lazarus,
if someone wanted my bad,
keep it away, stop it, so that it doesn’t even come to me
and let this serve as proof
of your protection towards my person,
and do, blessed Saint Lazarus
may your spirit be my faith and support
and everyone who was by my side.

Make in you, patron saint,
find the strength you need
my mind, my body and spirit
to be able to bear the hard tests
May life on earth present me.

Be my guide good Lazarus
on this road that must be passed,
commanded by God, our Father,
Well, in you I put my faith and trust
so that you help me in my needs,
keep bad luck away from me,
the ruins, poverty and lack
give consolation to my great ills,
and that for your support and protection
have a better future than the one I have,
May good luck and prosperity
come to me as soon as possible and always accompany me,
that through your powerful intercession I may obtain:

(make your request)

That by invoking your name, my Saint Lazarus,
and just by saying this prayer,
evil spirits and enemies
stay away from me forever.

Saint Lazarus with me and I with him;
him in front, me behind him,
so that all my ills make them disappear,
for the Glory of all. “

So be it.

Prayer to Saint Lazarus glorious patron of the poor

If you have to get money immediately, you are going through a difficult economic situation or you know people who may need divine help, here I share a powerful prayer to ask for an urgent economic miracle and help yourself or those most in need.

At the end of this prayer of Saint Lazarus, pray 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys

“O blessed Saint Lazarus, chosen by Jesus as a friend,
that you welcomed him into your home with sincere and profound affection,
and you were strengthened by his Spirit and enlightened with his Word,
and the Master, in his goodness, and for the love he professed for you,
together with the life of the soul, he gave you back the life of the body;
you who are valuable protector of those who suffer
and effective patron of the poor and needy,
Grant me help, may your blessing never fail me.

Saint highly revered, saint you always attend
Oh charitable and merciful Saint Lazarus!
I come hopefully to implore your graces and favors
get me a cheap break,
give me a stroke of luck,
an entry of extra money,
give me peace and stability,
that allows me to pay my debts without stress.

For a time I have been contracting obligations
and now I see myself full of bills and deficiencies,
I urgently need to improve my cash flow
do not forsake me, blessed Saint Lazarus!
I’m desperate, at night I lose sleep,
During the day I suffer from restlessness and restlessness
I invoke your intercession to obtain from God,
who loves and cares for the poor,
all the necessary graces for my economic well-being:

(ask for what you want to get).

I thank you in advance, Saint Lazarus, my protector,
Well, I have immense faith that I will receive your help.
and that soon I will see my serious problems solved.

Blessed Saint Lazarus,
I also beg you to bring me closer to Jesus,
so that with his divine grace he covers me with everything good,
and teach me, by your example of mercy,
to open my heart more widely
to those who need it,
especially the poor and the sick,
I promise, as soon as I can,
give a proportional share to the most needy.

Prayer to Saint Lazarus for health

Here I share with you the powerful prayer of the needy, indicated for people who are going through a difficult process of illness or recovery.

If you have a health problem or want to help a sick person recover, Pray this powerful prayer of Saint Lazarus for the sick:

Saint Lazarus, in the name of God,
I ask you blessed Saint Lazarus,
that when anguished I invoke you,
in my hours of pain and longing for charity and protection.
Oh! Saint Lazarus listen to me please.
Blessed Saint Lazarus of Bethania,
protection and support of Mary and Martha, I call to you,
Oh! beloved and ever-living spirit of grace,
with the same faith and love that Jesus knocked at the door of the tomb,
where did you come from alive and glorious,
after having been for three consecutive days,
your buried body, without having given the slightest sign of impurities or imperfection.
So too, today I knock at the door of your Divine Spirit,
so that with the same faith that God instilled in you,
grant me what I ask of you
(make the request),
for this, invoking the incomparable love with which God wanted to reward you
and resignation with which you knew how to endure material life.

Prayer of Saint Lazarus for dogs

If you are one of those people with a great affinity for pets, you take care of them, accompany them and feel that they are part of your family, this prayer of Saint Lazarus for dogs will surely be to your liking.

You can pray it when your dog or dogs are going through some illness or difficult moment or also to send them good energy and wish them to have a healthy and long life.

Glorious Saint Lazarus, Kind Patron of the poor,
I humbly come to request you,
help me with this great pain that afflicts me
for having my beloved pet in poor health
In Your Blessed Name, Saint Lazarus,
I ask that the good spirits,
Come with you to help my puppy.
When I have suffered something bad
or I have been in some danger you have always come,
Virtuous Saint Lazarus to my help,
That is why I come to you now with all my faith to ask you to heal my pet,
Faithful and loving companion,
and stop all sickness and disease that have been put
o Launched out of malice toward me or my loved ones.

Thank you, Saint Lazarus Mighty,
for not allowing any evil to come to me
How you have protected me forever,
protect my beloved dog like this from today
Oh Saint Lazarus, may your sacred spirit continue to be my faith,
allows everyone who is by my side or surrounds me,
whether people or dogs, in you, Glorious Patron,
find the strength you need to overcome any illness or adversity
Saint Lazarus pious, fervent defender of dogs,
remove all negative energy that is harming my dog
and protect forever Merciful Saint Lazarus,
Virtuous, compassionate and miraculous saint,
that you gave yourself body and soul to our Beloved Father God,
and you loved the animals with all your being
Do not leave my pet without help, now that he needs it,
don’t let him feel helpless or sick.

Give him everything he needs for his physical and emotional well-being
I implore you, pray to the Lord to grant this favor
and the blessing for my pet (Dog’s Name)
and keep him all his life under your sacred protection
(Dog’s name) is a member of the family,
He is my friend, my partner, he is the one who
He gives his love unconditionally, he is the one who is most faithful to me,
who comforts me, who makes my days happy
and gives me all of himself, without asking for anything in return

Beloved Saint Lazarus, glorious servant of the Lord,
that you were miraculously helped by some puppies
and since then you are the protector of all of them,
Today I come to you full of confidence
Knowing how good and kind you are,
to entrust you to be the protector of my beloved
Companion (Dog’s name)

Intercede for me to always be happy,
so that he does not lack food,
no bed, no company, no games,
keep him away from all evil,
don’t let him feel abandoned,
nor that he is never lacking in love, care and friendship
Let him always be treated with respect
and love to live full of joy, health, and have a long life

At the end of the prayer to Saint Lazarus, patron saint of dogs, pray 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys

More prayers for urgent matters

See below more prayers to the saints for difficult and urgent requests:

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