Prayer to India Rosa to make hair grow and make a man fall in love

Learn below who India Rosa is, where she comes from and what kind of requests and offerings are made to her to obtain her blessings.

History of Pink India

La India Rosa is a revered spirit of the Yoruba tradition in Venezuela. It is an original raa spirit that is characterized by being sweet and noble.

India Rosa is a warrior and can have the characteristics of a mother since she blesses her children and benefits them when they come to her. Within Venezuelan spiritism, India Rosa is a messenger of Queen Marìa Lionza, a highly revered deity in that country.

Flowers, liquors, sweets or fruits are offered to India Rosa. When rituals are performed to India Rosa, the Cayenne flower is usually left as an offering so that it fulfills the requests.

It has a characteristic dance and a particular greeting. It is a very kind entity. India Rosa should not be prayed for negative favors (such as separating a couple, for example), because she will not comply.

However you can ask him to open the paths of love and abundance. As long as it is asked in a positive wayIndia Rosa will respond with blessings.

India Rosa is well known for being the protector of lovers, and requests are often made to improve relationships or protect them from outsiders who want to harm them.

Pink India Images

La India Rosa is represented in Venezuela as a young woman, with a cheerful countenance, with pink or red flowers in her hands and long, dark, lush hair.

There is no official figure of his image, the representations that exist are born from the imaginary of the people.

Most popular prayers to India Rosa

Below you will find two very popular India Rosa prayers in Venezuela. On the one hand, a prayer for love, since India Rosa is often invoked to solve heart problems.

On the other hand, a very popular prayer in the Venezuelan tradition, which is used to ask for the health of the hair. Discover these prayers and pray them with faith.

Prayer to India Rosa to attract a man

If you have problems on the love plane and you want a little help, this prayer to India Rosa will be of great help. Ask him with faith and if you can make him an offering of those mentioned above so that your requests are fulfilled. Here you have the prayer of India Rosa for love.

Prayer to India Rosa for love

O glorious India Rose,
of the Venezuelan Indian Court.
mighty Indian,
indian love,
the sweetest and most beautiful Indian of all.

Enlighten and fill us with your gifts
to whom we implore happiness in love,
because you always saw yourself favored
making everyone fall in love with your gifts.

To those of us who come to you
in these hours of anguish and despair
always help us kindly
with your favorable intercession,
that has never been said
that you miss a request.

(make the request you want)

The Indian Court praises you for your beauty and splendor,
indian mighty rose,
I believe in your favor, pink india, beautiful india.

Give me back or get me the love of
(name of the person you love)

Indian Rose Prayer for Hair

In addition to the prayer to India Rosa for love, in Venezuela, India Rosa is also invoked when you have hair problems such as loss, weakness or very slow growth.

Learn below a prayer to India Rosa to ask her to improve your hair and look healthy.

Indian Prayer Rose for Hair

India Rosa, you who are so beautiful
make my hair the most beautiful,
make my hair long like yours,
brilliant and desirable that all admire her…
make my hair silky smooth and manageable
make it incomparable.
Thank you my India Rosa for hearing my request and I await your performance.

Prayer of the India Rosa to conjure a tobacco

Finally, this prayer to India Rosa is to conjure up a tobacco and thereby tie your love.

Prayer to India Rosa to tie

I won’t let my love get away from me
With this tobacco in my hand, I ask you, India Rosa, to help me.
My relationship begins to get complicated and I don’t know how to act
I must be strong and sure of myself to be able to take control of her
I will not allow (say the name of your love) to abandon me, he promised to love me and he must fulfill
India Rosa, take my hand, give me your strength and your power to show that I rule
I will tame and tie (say the name of your love)
He can never get away from me and he will love me forever

Other prayers to fall in love

If you liked the prayers to India Rosa, here I share other effective rituals to attract love into your life:

  • Prayer to Santa Monica: know a powerful petition prayer to strengthen the love in your partner, avoid infidelities and keep away those people who want to harm your relationship.
  • Prayer to Saint Expeditus: If you like a person very much and you want to attract their attention, pray these powerful prayers to Saint Expedite for love and you will be able to open the paths in the love plane.
  • Prayer to Saint Benedict: Here you will find several powerful prayers to improve your relationship with your partner or attract love into your life quickly.

Did you know the story of India Rosa?

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