Prayer for After Communion to Padre Pio and Angels

Find the best prayer spiritual so that you can enter into harmony with the creator father prior to Communion and after communion, each of these invocations will represent purification and blessings for your day.

Short and remove each of your negative thoughts, take that step to be in tune with the spirit of God.

Spiritual prayer for after communion

this prayer catholic It is ideal for you to prepare and dispose your heart, with humility and certainty that you are being heard and above all, that you are receiving the body of Christ.

father of greatness,
What do you find,
In every step I take
Fill me with your presence
Every day of my life,
At sunrise and at sunset,
And especially at this moment,
where I am about to take communion,
Let the body of Christ,
purify me,
Clean my heart
And I approached you, your salvation,
To that kingdom that is your love,
And your infinite blessings,

Prayer after Communion of Padre Pio

This invocation to Padre Pio is one of the most used for giving results where whoever recites it has the opportunity to enjoy each of the blessings of the almighty and also his protection.

Padre Pio,
I offer you these minutes,
After I have received communion,
And that is found in my Christ,
His body and blood
Help me through your love,
For my spirit to be renewed,
for my life to transform,
On a positive path
And full of opportunities
To always be able to get ahead,
To be worthy of the creator’s love,
And example of his praises,
as were you,

Prayer after Communion to the Angels and Seraphim

Before starting these lines, add the following sentence “sir with me I leave everything that I am and I offer you my faith”, leave in this introduction all your love and your hope, after that you can begin your prayer.

Clamoring angels!
Seraphim of love!
full of mercy,
of incessant love,
To you today I raise this prayer,
asking for my soul,
For my life,
So that I can face
Every one of your obstacles,
And get out of temptation,
Allow this host to be a blessing,
of opportunities,
And, above all, to be able to ascend,
One more step towards eternal life,

Prayer for after communion to the soul of Christ

In each of our day-to-day stages, we must dedicate a few minutes of our time to the incarnate son of God, who teaches us how much power a prayer has when it is recited with certainty and fidelity.

Christ of love,
of sacrifice,
of miracles,
Universal Peace Symbol,
You who went through so much pain,
and humiliation,
Just to save our sins,
Before you today I prostrate,
for you to help me,
That you give me the calm and peace that I need so much,
In order to be a better person,
Full of blessings, of love,
of strength,
and of faith in you,

Prayer for after Communion to Santo Tomas

Once again Saint Thomas shows us how a heart can be transformed through an invocation, after you have received your communion, have this prayer to get even closer to that renewing faith.

St Thomas,
Inexhaustible source,
strength and shelter,
For many of your faithful,
I dedicate this afternoon
To pray for your miracles,
And leaving you all my pain,
My worries,
And all that I am
Well, my heart I offer you,
With all my humility,
for you to help me,
and help,
through fellowship,

Prayer after communion for children

A short but simple invocation more than perfect for those little ones who are going to celebrate their first Communion, show them how they can by themselves go a step further and get closer to our adored divine being.

Guardian angel,
You are my company,
In good and bad,
You are eternal glory
You who know me
Well, all my fears I have confessed to you,
I ask you to prepare and dispose,
my soul and my spirit,
So that now, after receiving Christ,
I can feel your magic in me,
That priceless love
And your greatest blessings,
With which he wraps his children,
I beg you, so be it always,

Never forget that always It can fulfill every desire of our heart, as long as we have our path in the right direction, for any situation it is imperative that you use your best tool: invocations.

Continuously and even more so if you are about to take Communion or have already done so, further expand your evolution towards a much better future.

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