Or what or Psalm 191 say?

When or Psalm 91 should be prayed?

Psalm 91 is not only the psalm of protection at all times, but if they pray at mid-night at the end of the year, God is sinned for a good start of the year. To afflict your enemies, those who want to prejudice him, to protect his house, his life and his family.

What is the psalm of protection?

1 Deliver me two inimigos meus, or meu Deus, save me two who rise up against me. 2 Free me two who practice iniqüidade, and save me two bloodthirsty men. 3 Pois eis that they are espreita against a minha vida; The powerful will unite against me, not because of my minor transgression or because of my sin, ó Senhor.

How did you read or Psalm 91?

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 Direi ao Senhor: My hope and my strength; Meu Deus, vou confide nele. 3 E ele o livrará da armadilha do caçador: da destructive prague. 4 With his penalties he will charge you, And on his handles you will have certainty: shield and shield is his truth.

Or what or Psalm 17 say?

1 Ouve, or Jeová, a just cause; listen to my clamor, listen to me oração feita de lábios sem dolo. 2 Deixe meu julgamento sair de sua presença del, deixe seus olhos verem a retidão. 3 you were afraid to try my heart, you visited me at night, you put me to the test and you didn’t find anything; I resolved that minha boca does not commit transgressão.

Or what is or Psalm 140?

1 save me, ó Senhor, do homem mau e salva-me de manm violent, 2 that does evil deeds not coração and wars every day. 4 Guard me, Senhor, das mãos dos ímpios, protect me from the violent man, who thought to disturb me by passing by.

Or what is to inhabit and inhabit?

Nesse sense, eles falam sobre o lugar que tenho; If we are passing through or visiting, we do not inhabit; On the contrary, it gives dwelling where we are or all the time, that we inhabit. …

Who lives in the shadow of the Altissimo?

1 or that inhabit or acasaco of Subindovai dwell under or shadow of the Almighty. 2 Direi do Senhor, my refuge and my fortress; meu Deus, em quem quer que aVou confide. 3 Pois ele will free you from the armadilha do caçador, from destroying Prague.

What is the omnipotence of God?

The omnipotence of Deus is that He attains the full potential of his species (humanity) and is as powerful as his species can be. … As Supreme Being, there is nothing and no one who can exercise his power over him, who is the source and origin of all power.

How do you say the psalms of the Catholic Bible?

There are several ways to read the responsorial psalm:

  • The leitor proclaims the verses of the psalm and assembléia recites the antiphon provided, not lectionary.
  • O leitor lê a antiphon and proclamation or psalm. …
  • O leitor lê aloud the antiphon ea assembléia a repete.

How did you start to read the Bible?

For example, in “João 3:16”, “3” is the number of the chapter. Read the verse and determine in which chapter of the book it is found. Some people can quote Bible verses using Roman abbreviations and algarisms. For example, Leviticus XX:13 is the same as Leviticus, chapter 20, verse 13.

Or what or Psalm 23 say?

1 Jehovah is my shepherd; I will lack nothing. 2 He made me rest in green pastures, He led me to the side of calm waters. 3 He comforts my soul; Guide me through the paths of justice for the love of his name.

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