Novena to the Guardian Angel

Since ancient times, man has sought the protection of superior beings. In the Jewish world, this figure was the guardian angel. It is believed that each person has an assigned angel that protects them from the dangers of life. Although not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the concept of the guardian angel is found in various religious traditions. In Christianity, it is believed that the Guardian Angel is sent by God to protect people from the dangers of this world. The novena to the guardian angel is a Christian tradition that is performed for nine consecutive days. It is believed that during this time the guardian angel is especially close to the person and can protect them from the dangers of life.

How to pray the Guardian Angel

Surely you have heard of the Guardian Angel or perhaps you have seen images or movies in which it appears. But do you really know what it is about?

The Bible teaches us that God gives us an angel to protect us. In the book of Matthew, Jesus himself says it: «Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, whom you have received from God? And you are not yours; Because you were bought with a price; Therefore glorify God in your body” (Matthew 6:19-20).

In other words, God gives us his Holy Spirit to indwell us and guide us. And part of that guide is the Guardian Angel. Even if we don’t see him, he is there to protect us.

So how can we pray to the Guardian Angel? In fact, it is not prohibited to do so. But we do need to be careful not to worship him or put him above God. We must always remember that only God deserves our worship.

One way to pray to the Guardian Angel is to simply speak to him in simple words. For example: “Guardian Angel, thank you for being here with me. Help me to follow Jesus and to do his will. Amen”.

Another way to do it is by using the traditional prayer. This prayer is very popular and is frequently recited. Says so:

“Angel of God, my faithful guardian,
You who accompany me and defend me on the way,
Light my steps and guide my steps,
Because I walk in darkness.

Either of these two ways of praying is valid. The important thing is that you speak with sincerity and love, and ask for protection and guidance. The Guardian Angel will be there to help you at all times.

How to make the 9 night novena

The Novena of the Nine Nights is a traditional Catholic prayer that is said for nine consecutive nights. It can be prayed for any intention, but it is especially popular during the Christmas season. The novena consists of three parts: an initial prayer, nine prayers to a saint or to the Virgin Mary, and a final prayer. Below are detailed instructions for praying the novena.

Opening Prayer

Begin the novena by saying an opening prayer, such as the following: “Almighty and merciful God, I beg you to grant me what I ask of you in this novena. I ask you for the love that you have for all your sons and daughters, and for the love of Jesus Christ, your Only Begotten Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.”

Daily prayers to a saint or to the Virgin Mary

During the nine days of the novena, say nine prayers to a saint or to the Virgin Mary. You can say the same prayers every day, or you can choose different prayers for each day. Some examples of popular prayers that can be prayed during the novena are the following:

  • “Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
  • “Oh Holy Child Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen.”
  • «Oh my Jesus, forgive me, free me from all my sins, make me an instrument of your peace. Amen.”

concluding sentence

After saying the daily prayers for nine days, end the novena with a final prayer. This prayer can be something simple, such as “My God, I thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Please continue to bless me and help me to be a good Christian. Amen.”

When is Guardian Angel Day 2021

Guardian Angels Day is October 2. Guardian Angels are heavenly guardians that, according to Christian tradition, God assigns to each person to protect and guide them in their lives. It is believed that each person has a guardian angel assigned to them from the moment of their birth. On the day of the Guardian Angels, these celestial beings are celebrated and homage is paid to them.

The tradition of celebrating Guardian Angels Day originated in Italy in the 16th century. Saint Francis of Assisi was the first to promote the idea that each person has an angel assigned to protect them. In 1584, Pope Gregory XIII established October 2 as the day of the Guardian Angels.

Since then, Guardian Angels Day has been celebrated in many parts of the world. In Italy, it is a national holiday and is celebrated with mass, processions and snacks in which sweets and cakes are shared. In other countries, such as Spain, Portugal and Mexico, the day of the Guardian Angels is celebrated with religious and cultural activities.

On Guardian Angels Day, we remember our loved ones who have passed away. Guardian angels are believed to accompany the souls of the departed to heaven. Therefore, in many parts of the world, the day of the Guardian Angels is also celebrated as the day of the dead.

Biblical conclusion:

Therefore, beloved brothers, be firm and constant, growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By pleasing him, he will give you increase, so that on the day of Christ you may be without reproach. – 2 Peter 3:18

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