Lily Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

The lily in the Bible is a flower that represents purity, innocence and beauty. The word lily comes from the Latin lilium and is one of the most mentioned flowers in the Bible, appearing in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Bible, lilies are used as a symbol of internal and external purity, fidelity, and devotion.

In the Old Testament, lilies are mentioned in Psalm 45:2, “Rich and mighty garments of fine linen embroidered with lilies surround you.” This quote refers to the beauty and purity of the bride in a marriage ceremony. In the Psalms, lilies are used to describe the beauty and splendor of God. The word lily is mentioned eight times in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, lilies are mentioned in Matthew 6:28-29, “And I say to you people of the earth: Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. For So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself. Every day has its own problems.” This quote refers to faith in God and confidence in his provision. Lilies refer to the comfort of God’s concern, care, and goodness.

Lilies are also used as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus. In Luke 12:27, Jesus says, “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like one of them.” This quote refers to the power and greatness of God, who is greater than anything human beings can imagine. Lilies are a reminder that God provides for our needs.

In the Bible, lilies are symbols of internal and external purity, fidelity, and devotion. They are also a reminder of God’s provision for our needs and of Jesus’ resurrection. Lilies are used as a symbol of purity, innocence, and beauty. These are the Biblical meanings of the lily.

Last updated: March 16, 2023

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