Just trust God – 5 ways to show our trust in him

Just trust in God and in his word, since he undoubtedly has a purpose in your life in which you will have to go through deserts, through difficult trials. But when you are certain who your Father is and who you are in him, you will be confident.

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In this regard, the word exhorts us as follows: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) So we must always allow ourselves to be guided by God instead of doing our own will because we will certainly err in our behavior.

Just trust God and follow his ways.

When we say we trust in God we must be aware that we will be tested and that in the midst of the test we must remain firm as the palm tree in the storm. It is not about trusting in the Lord when we are well, when we are prosperous, healthy and everything is going great for us. Trusting in God implies you remain despite the circumstances, having faith at all times that he will always work even if we do not see results soon.

Our time is not the same as God’s time, his will is perfect but it is full of mysteries and sometimes we do not understand why we are human and our mind is finite. In order to understand God’s ways, we must ask for wisdom from on High, search the scriptures, pray constantly, fast, and be obedient.

In this sense, when all of humanity is in a panic, it is when believers must be joyful in the Lord and confident that he is in control of everything because nothing happens without his allowing it, as his word indicates: “By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s wrath; because he stood as seeing the invisible ” (Hebrews 11:27)

In this way, faith is what moves us and at the same time sustains us, and this certainty that we have of the invisible and omnipresent God is the same that we must have in the midst of adversity.

How can we trust God?

To trust in God we must have our hearts completely to him and walk in his ways being obedient to his word because when we trust God we seek to be pleasing to his children.

In this way, to strengthen our trust in our Heavenly Father, we cannot give up our faith, which is what unites us with his presence and allows us to remain firm. In this regard, there are different ways in which we can maintain our trust in the Lord, among which we find:

1.- Giving for the work of God

One of the ways we can keep our trust in God it is giving financially to the service of the Lord, since if we truly believe in his word, we will understand that to the extent that we give, to the same extent we will receive.

When we trust in God, we know that everything we have belongs only to him and that it is because of his mercy that we are here in this world with a purpose for our lives.

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In the same way, as Christians we must know that when we give from the heart, knowing that we are contributing to the Kingdom of heavensthat we are working in favor of the Ministry of our Father so that his gospel is proclaimed to every creature, to all nations, in any corner of the world.

This is the call of all the children of God who love him with all their hearts and with all their souls. For this reason, so that we can rebuke the devourer of money, we must give without selfishness, fulfilling the will of the Father who demands our tithes, offerings and premises. We can see this clearly in his words:

“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one give as he proposed in his heart: not sadly, nor out of necessity, because God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

The word is clear in pointing out the importance of giving and to sow abundantly with love, with a good disposition, knowing that everything comes from the Lord.

In the same way that the widow gave everything she had and had the confidence that God would take care of her and give her everything she needed, in the same way we must give. Trust must remain in times of plenty and in times of scarcity, just as she announces and demands her word:

“While Jesus was sitting before the treasury, he watched how the people put money into the treasury; and many rich people put in a lot. And a poor widow came, and she put in two mites, that is, one quadrant. Then calling her disciples, she said to them: Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all those who have put into the treasury; because everyone has thrown in what is left over; but she, out of her poverty, threw in everything she had, all her livelihood.” (Mark 12:41-44).

When we trust in God, we are certain that he takes care of us, of our needs because he knows everything about us, for which we are going to give with all our hearts whether we are in scarcity or in abundance, since it is not about giving of what we have left over, it is about giving according to what we want to reap because certainly when we sow and are obedient to his word, we will receive superabundantly and supernaturally.

2.-Be at the service of the needy

Currently, in a world so congested and submerged in routine and eagerness, we are focused solely on ourselves, on our family and on our closest social nucleus.

We rarely have the desire to help those who need it most because we think first of ourselves or of those close to us. But when Jesus Christ came into this world, he taught us that love of neighbor is the second most important commandment and that it simplifies all the other commandments, as revealed by his word:

“Teacher, what is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is similar: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22: 36-40)

In this way, Jesus is clear in revealing that if we do not feel love for our neighbor and are indifferent to their needs, we are being disobedient and God is not pleased with our attitude, since he rejects all haughtiness, as his word indicates: “For the Lord is exalted, and cares for the humble, but knows the haughty from afar” (Psalms 138:6)

In this way, the Lord’s people should feel that willingness to serve others because it is a way of manifesting God’s love in us, it also represents a good testimony of what God has done in our lives.

This can be seen in the following passage: “So, as we have the opportunity, let’s do good to everyone, and especially to those of the family of faith” (Galatians 6:10)

In this word the Lord exhorts us to do good, to serve our neighbor and emphasizes that we must help our brothers in Christ even more.

So it is important not only to focus on our own problems or interests, since God sees the hearts and we will certainly receive our reward.

3.- Be sure of the future

When we are in Christ Jesus we have an owner and our future is assured by him, so let us walk confidently with the admirable light of his presence in our lives.

Although we cannot know precisely what our future will be, we can feel sure that under his wings we will be safe because the angel of Jehovah will always be with us and will guard our ways.

In the Bible we can find many examples of great servants of God who were in very difficult situations, were imprisoned, suffered blows, were chained, persecuted, among many things.

But they did not lose their faith and trust in God because he is the only one who provides us with our liberation: “Because I know that by your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will result in my deliverance.” (Philippians 1:19).

In this way, we must always show ourselves full of hope despite the tests we are going through, knowing that we have a Powerful God who has a purpose for every situation in our life, we just have to rest in his presence and wait confidently.

In this regard, the word exhorts us as follows: “Instead of which you should say: Lord willing, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:15). In this quote we are taught that we must always live confident in God’s will, knowing that what he wants for us is the best for our lives and is part of his purpose.

4.- Appreciate what God has done in your life

Once we are converted we have a new life and We have been supernaturally transformed. However, we cannot forget where the Lord took us from and value all the wonders that he has manifested and continues to manifest in our daily lives.

This is demanded of us by his word: “Do not become proud or forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, the land where you lived as a slave” (Deuteronomy 8:14)

In this way, we can be confident in the Lord when we see what God has done in the past and be sure that he will be with us in our present and in our future, because God’s mercy is forever:

“But we had within ourselves a death sentence, so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead; who delivered us, and he delivers us, and in whom we hope that he will still deliver us, from such a great death ” (2 Corinthians 1:9-11)

In this sense, in the Bible we can find a God who shows his Power, mercy, love and majesty in all the stories that are narrated there where faithful and believing men had to go through many tests and be prosecuted to obtain victory.

Certainly all these men and women of God had moments of weakness, but they were all strengthened when they fully trusted their Lord and allowed themselves to be guided by his perfect will, this being a great example for each of their children who may be going through today. due to adversities or they may have lost faith.

For this reason we must understand in our hearts that all things work together for good and that the Most High has a beautiful purpose in your lifeYou just have to believe and trust and under his wings you will be safe.

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