How to remove the evil eye yourself: 3 infallible rituals

Although its name is a bit scary, the evil eye or commonly known as “ojeo” is a very common energetic condition, which in most cases occurs involuntarily, but can affect mood, health and even the luck.

In this article you will learn effective tips to learn how to remove an evil eye yourself, in a homemade and completely effective way. But first things first, how do you actually know if you have the evil eye? Know below some signs to elucidate if you are really eyed.

How to know if you have the evil eye?

The evil eye is caused by the intense look (in many cases with negative or envious intention) that a person has cast on you. However, sometimes it can also be triggered by the look of a person with dense or negative energy, but whose intention was not to harm you.

This last case is more frequent and happens when you walk down the street, at work or go somewhere where you come across too many people.

The evil eye can often be confused with some physical discomfort, with a bad mood and even with the feeling that you are having a lot of bad luck. That is why below I share a list of common evil eye symptoms, which can help you discover if you have it or not and learn how to find a cure for the evil eye yourself.

Symptoms in adults:

  • constant irritability
  • constant mood swings
  • Fatigue, constant listlessness
  • Anxiety
  • loss of appetite
  • Insomnia, nightmares and constant awakenings
  • Lack of concentration
  • Nervousness
  • Apathy, boredom, depression

Symptoms in children:

  • Insomnia
  • Crying for no apparent reason
  • loss of appetite

How to get rid of the evil eye fast

Nowadays, finding a curandera can be a difficult matter. You may find yourself in a situation in which it is impossible for you to turn to her or you simply do not know anyone you trust.

If you feel that the evil eye has been cast on you and you want to get rid of it, follow the instructions below and you will learn how to cure the evil eye yourself.


The following are very effective and simple rituals to remove the evil eye that, if you perform them correctly, you will not have the need to resort to a healer.

salt and rue

  • Place in each corner of your house, three pinches of salt.
  • Get some fresh rue grass and have a fumbling all over the house.
  • Place some dry rue grass at the entrances of the home.

candle and prayer

  • Light a white candle and place it in the center of the room.
  • Repeat the following prayer for the evil eye three times:

    “Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, father of Jesus Christ, free me from this curse and restore my peace. Amen”

  • Wait for the candle to burn out and bury it.

rainwater and charcoal

  • Pour rainwater into a glass and add bits of charcoal to it.
  • Leave the glass behind the door until the charcoal dissolves.
  • Discard the content, wash the glass and put it away. It should not be used for other things.


You already know how to remove the evil eye yourself with rituals, now I will share effective prayers so that you have various effective tools that work and that you can use when you feel that you have been watched. Learn how to cure ojeo with these powerful prayers.

sentence 1

In the holy name of God the father;
In the holy name of the fallen and
The heavenly protectors who dwell in the sky
Safeguarding the will of the faithful devotees.

O my father!
Today I cry before your name so that you help this little
That in these hours is invaded by envy
Of the one who only wants evil for his neighbor.

Your most holy and merciful will can do everything, Lord,
And I know you’ll bring his health back to that state of mind,
Happiness and glory of yesteryear.
Help him, almighty god, for you
You are the only one who can.

At the end of this prayer to remove the evil eye, pray 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys

sentence 2

Saint Pantaleon of my soul!
Heal this faithful devotee in the Lord
And make it go away from me being that
That the enemy has directed me.

I ask you to allow my forces, my energies,
My happiness and all my health is recovered
Through your interception and that of the almighty.

O Saint Jude!
Before you I also ask in this prayer
And, with deep respect for your actions
In life, I ask you to protect me from the evil eye
That the enemy radiates me so that I can
I transit by the sacred will.

At the end of this prayer to cure the evil eye, pray 3 Our Fathers and 3 Glories

How to protect yourself from the evil eye: amulets and rituals

Once you know what is good for the evil eye, it is convenient that you also learn to create amulets or talismans that will protect you from this curse.

  • Make a cloth bag with a piece of garlic and green anise. Always carry it with you.
  • Place a horse shoe at the entrance of your home. It will prevent hexes from entering.
  • Carry a sprig of rue in your pocket or purse as a protector.
  • Put a red ribbon on your hand to avoid the curse.
  • Plant a rue at the door of your home to cleanse the energies that enter it.
  • Carry lavender flowers in your pocket or purse.
  • Have regular defumations in your home with dry rue. This will keep the energy in your home pure.

Other ways to remove the evil eye

If you want to know other alternatives to cure the ojeo, be sure to check how effective the following options are and learn how to remove the evil eye yourself.

  • Eye of Horus Amulet. This is one of the oldest ways to prevent the evil eye, for a reason it has transcended so many generations and cultures. If you are looking for a way to remove the evil eye that has the support of ancient cultures, you should definitely try its effectiveness.
  • Evil eye cleansing with charcoal and salt. It not only serves to remove the evil eye, but also to repel bad luck in general. You have the advantage that you can also do it yourself, with elements that are very easy to obtain.
  • Rituals with lemon and water. They are easy to perform and, at the same time, very effective. Ideally, it should be done by a curandera, but you can also do it yourself. Learn how to remove an evil eye for yourself and for other people.

Have you suffered from the evil eye?

Yes. On more than one occasion.


Yes. Once I have suffered evil eye.


Don’t know. I don’t know how to detect it.


No. I have never suffered from the evil eye.


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