How to pray the novena to the Virgin of Guadalupe for difficult cases

Discover in the following article, the history of the Virgen de Guadalupe, the legend about the origin of the devotion and discover the novena of Guadalupe to make your important requests.

Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

The figure of the Virgin of Guadalupe, refers to an apparition of the Catholic Church, of the Immaculate in Mexico. Her image has a main temple on the Tepeyac hill, north of Mexico City.

According to legend and what is described in historical Vatican documents, the Virgin Mary appeared four times to an Indian named Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, on the Tepeyac hill. Later it is also recorded that the Virgin makes her appearance to Juan Bernardino, Juan Diego’s uncle.

Tradition tells that the virgin ordered Juan Diego to look for the first bishop of Mexico named Juan Zumárraga. Juan Diego cut flowers in Tepeyac and took them to the bishop. When unfolding the cloth in which he had them, he revealed the image of the Virgin Mary, with mestizo features.

According to ancient texts, the apparitions happened in the year 1531, the last being on December 12. In the year 1828, the Mexican government established that date as the national holiday and the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Novena of the Virgin of Guadalupe day by day

Learn below the complete novena to the Virgin of Guadalupe and pray it for 9 days in a row so that your requests are fulfilled quickly.

Prayer for every day

“My Lord Jesus Christ, God and true Man, my Creator and Redeemer, because you are who you are, and because I love you above all things, I regret with all my heart that I have offended you. satisfaction of my sins, and I trust in your goodness and infinite mercy, that you forgive me and give me grace to never sin again. I hope so through the intercession of my Mother, Our Lady the Virgin of Guadalupe. Amen.” (Make here the request you want)

First day

Oh Most Holy Lady of Guadalupe! That crown with which you gird your sacred temples publishes that you are Queen of the Universe. You are, Lady, because as Daughter, as Mother and as Spouse of the Most High you have absolute power and just right over all creatures.

This being so, I am also yours; I also belong to You by a thousand titles; but I am not content with being yours because of such a high jurisdiction that you have over everyone; I want to be yours by another title, that is, by choice of my will.
See that, here prostrated before the throne of your Majesty, I choose you for my Queen and my Lady, and for this reason I want to double the lordship and dominion that you have over me; I want to depend on You and I want the designs divine Providence has for me to pass through your hands.

Dispose of me as you please; the events and events of my life I want everyone to run on your own. I trust in your kindness, that everyone will straighten up to the good of my soul and honor and glory of that Lord who is so pleased in the whole world. Amen.

Second day

Oh Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe! How well it is known that you are our Lawyer in the court of God, because those beautiful hands that never cease to benefit us together before the chest in the gesture of those who beg and pray, giving us with this to see that from the throne of glory as Queen of Angels and men, you also act as a lawyer, begging and seeking on our behalf.

With what affections of acknowledgment and gratitude will I be able to pay such finesse?, since there is not enough money in my whole heart to pay it.

I turn to you to enrich me with the precious gifts of ardent and fervent charity, deep humility and prompt obedience to the Lord.

Strengthen your supplications, multiply your prayers, and do not stop asking the Almighty to make me his own and allow me to go and thank you for the happy success of your mediation in glory. Amen.

Third day

Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe! What can I believe when I see you surrounded by the sun’s rays, but that you are intimately united to the Sun of Divinity, that there is nothing in your house that is not light, that is not grace and that is not holiness!

What can I believe but that you are drowned in the sea of ​​divine perfections and attributes, and that God always has you in his heart! May it be for the best, Lady, such high happiness.

Me, meanwhile, snatched from the joy that this causes me, I present myself before the throne of your sovereignty, begging you to send one of your burning rays to my heart: illuminate my understanding with its light; light my will with its light; make me finish persuading myself that I live deceived all the time that I do not use in loving You and in loving my God: make me finish persuading myself that I miserably deceive myself when I love something that is not my God and when I do not I love you for God. Amen.

Fourth day

O Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe! If an angel from heaven has such a great honor to be at your feet and that in proof of his joy opens his arms and spreads his wings to form with them a shelf for your Majesty, what should I do to show my veneration to your person? , no longer the head, nor the arms, but my heart and my soul so that by sanctifying it with your divine plants it becomes a throne worthy of your sovereignty?

Deign, Lady, to accept this gift; do not despise him as unworthy of your sovereignty, because the merit that he lacks for my misery and poverty I reward him with good will and desire.

Enter to register my heart and you will see that no other wings move it but those of the desire to be yours and the fear of offending your most divine Son. He forms the throne of my heart, and he will no longer degrade himself giving way to guilt and becoming a slave of the devil. Let them not live in it but Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Fifth day

Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe! What other dress corresponded to one who is a sky for its beauty, if not one full of stars? With what could an all-celestial beauty be adorned, if not with the brilliance of virtues as lucid and resplendent as yours?

Blessed a thousand times the hand of that God who knew how to unite in your beauty so pilgrim with purity so enhanced, and gala so bright and rich with humility so peaceful. I remain, Lady, absorbed in such kind beauty, and I would like my eyes to always be fixed on You so that my heart would not let itself be dragged into another affection other than your love.

I will not be able to achieve this desire if those resplendent stars with which you are adorned do not instill an ardent and fervent charity, so that I love my God with all my heart and with all my strength, and after my God, You, as an object worthy of being loved. let’s all love Amen.

Sixth day

Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe! How good that carpet that the moon forms to your sacred plants says to your sovereignty! You trampled with invincible plant the vanities of the world, and being superior to everything created, you never suffered the waning of the slightest imperfection: before your first moment you were full of grace.

Miserable me, Lady, who, not knowing how to stick to the goals I make, have no stability in virtue and am only constant in my vicious habits.

Mourn me, loving and tender Mother; since I am like the moon in my inconstancy, be like the moon that is at your feet, that is, always firm in your devotion and love, so as not to suffer the waning of guilt. Make me always at your feet for love and devotion, and I will no longer fear the waning of sin but I will try to give myself fully to my obligations, detesting from my heart everything that is an offense to my God. Amen.

Seventh day

Oh Most Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe! Nothing, nothing I see in this most beautiful portrait that does not lead me to know the high perfections with which the Lord endowed your most innocent soul.

That coarse and despicable canvas; that poor but happy ayate in which your unique beauty is stamped, make it clear to know the profound humility that served as the head and foundation of your amazing holiness.

You did not disdain to take Juan Diego’s poor cloak, so that your face could be stamped on it, which is the charm of angels, the wonder of men and the admiration of the entire universe. Well, how can I not expect from your kindness, that the misery and poverty of my soul are not embarrassing so that you stamp your most graceful image on it?

I offer you the fabrics of my heart. Take it, Lady, in your hands and never leave it, because my wish is that it will not be used for anything other than loving you and loving God. Amen.

Eighth day

Oh Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe! How mysterious and how successful was the hand of the Supreme Artificer, embroidering your dress with that fringe of fine gold that serves as a garnish.

He alluded without a doubt to that fine gold of charity and love of God with which your actions were enriched. And who doubts, Lady, that your fiery charity and love of God was always accompanied by love for your neighbor and that not, seeing you triumphant in the heavenly homeland, have you forgotten us?
Open the bosom of your pieties to those who are so miserable; shake hands with those who fall and call on you to get up; Bring yourself the glory of having found in me a misery proportionate, more than all, to your compassion and mercy. Amen.

ninth day

Oh Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe! What will be impossible for You, when multiplying the prodigies, neither the coarseness nor the rudeness of the ayate serve to embarrass you to form your portrait so exquisitely, nor the voracity of time in more than four centuries has been able to destroy or erase it?

What a strong reason is this to encourage my trust and beg you to open the bosom of your pieties, remembering the ample power that the Divine Omnipotence of the Lord gave you, to favor mortals, you worthy to stamp on my soul the image of the Most High that have erased my faults!

I do not embark on your pity the rudeness of my perverse customs, deign to just look at me, and with this I will encourage my hopes; because I can’t believe that if you look at me your insides won’t be moved over the miserable me. My only hope, after Jesus, is you, Holy Virgin Mary. Amen.

More novenas to make requests

Now that you know the novena of Guadalupe and its history, I share with you other Catholic novenas to pray and ask for help to solve your urgent problems:

  • Novena to San Judas Tadeo: If you have financial problems or are looking for urgent work, pray this powerful novena to San Judas Tadeo to open the paths of luck.
  • Novena to Mary Help of Christians: If you need luck for any test or special situation, pray this novena to Mary Help of Christians who will bring you very good luck.
  • Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots: If you have difficult problems to solve, the Virgin Undo Knots can help you. Pray this novena for 9 days in a row and Our Lady will give you the help you need.

Did you know the ninth rose of Guadalupe?

Yes. I know her and I usually pray for her.


I know her but I don’t usually pray for her.


No. It is the first time I read this novena.


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